
Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

evening everyone @Former-Member @Former-Member @Former-Member @Determined @Adge @faoth-and-hope @Smc @Sophie1 and everyone

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hi @outlander What's for dinner, anything tasty?


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

toasted sandwhiches here @Adge wasnt up for cooking much so these will do.
what about you?

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Toasted sandwiches sounds good @outlander Maybe I should do that (haven't for ages).

I heated up some frozen vegies & tuna patties.

I haven't got any energy for cooking either.


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

i havent made them for a while either @Adge ive been making soups and things cause pops been having trouble swollowing some things but soups arent a problem.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

That makes sense @outlander Soups are very good too.

@Shaz51was pureeing vegies & things, for her Mum.

I have some clients who can only eat pureed foods.


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

im abit over soups now though @Adge
hopefully will get answers for him soon though as to whats causing it. he has a few medications and medical condtitions that may be causing it so we are ruling them out with tests etc to see if any of those causing it

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Shaz51was pureeing vegies & things, for her Mum.

I have some clients who can only eat pureed foods.

Adge--- still am @Adge , @outlander 

and mum gets purree meals with meals on wheels 3 days a week

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

im thinking about looking into meals on wheels for pop too @Shaz51 im running out of recipies he likes and energy to have to make all these things suitable for him

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@outlander, my mum like it now  and you can have 3 times a week or 5 days a week and you get a different meal