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28-06-2018 11:02 AM
28-06-2018 11:02 AM
@eth Good morning eth how are you doing this morning? Good morning also to @Mazarita@outlander@CheerBear@Sans911@Sophia1@Zoe7 (girl I got my full moon party clothes on hoping you are okish enough to party later even if it is ony fancy dress for the day) and all who pass by today. Wishing everyone a happy full moon day today love gp the friendly pea 🙂
28-06-2018 11:16 AM
28-06-2018 11:16 AM
Happy Full moon fancy dress day to you too @greenpea. I hope you are well today.
My astrological calendar says the moon is going into Capricorn this afternoon 2.55 pm. "A serious mood. Take care of any legal or government business. Keep your career on track." I've no idea how this applies to us with no career. Possibly our creativity, whatever we put out into the world. And a good time for admin type chores.
Just sayin'! I don't live by it by any means but sometimes find it good to help me pull focus and think of a direction for activities.
28-06-2018 11:22 AM
28-06-2018 11:22 AM
@eth I just think it is a bit of fun. I don't go by it seriously but then again I didnt want any fire sign children when we were considering having kids so maybe I take parts a bit more seriously than what I first thought ... I had one earth and two water signs all perfect but had they been fire they would have been perfect too 😛
28-06-2018 11:40 AM
28-06-2018 11:40 AM
@greenpea I don't often refer to the calendar myself, mostly have it for guidance on good phases for different aspects of gardening. e.g. when is best for planting, transplanting, weeding etc. And I do find if I follow it for these tasks I have a better success rate.
What are you doing today?
I'm just doing online reading of NDIS resources I've collected, with breaks in between when my brain feels full. Making notes to hopefully help at the planning meeting. There's so much and I keep feeling like I'll miss something important if I don't check it all out. Probably a bit OCD about it. Any tips for planning meeting?
Will wash dishes and clothes too as the sun is shining for a change.
28-06-2018 01:08 PM
28-06-2018 01:46 PM
28-06-2018 01:46 PM
Hello Everyone,
My mood is slipping a bit. I found out today that I received 2 speeding tickets in one week. I knew I'd gotten one as I was pulled over, I didn't contest it, though I wasn't aware the school zone in the area was an all day one - I was doing 52kms. The policeman told me it would be an e-ticket, I'd never heard of them, though I did receive the email; I also received a paper ticket in my PO box . . . I thought they were the same ticket. The paper one was a 'camera ticket', it said I was doing 70 in a 60 zone I was confused but that's the one I paid. I received a 'Notice of registered debt' in the mail yesterday, I honestly thought a mistake had been made so I went into the local police this morning & was told it was another ticket. In all it's cost me over $400. I asked if I could 'pay it off' & was told the only way I could do that was to make a phone call, I've paid it in full as that was the only way to do so online. It feels like a heavy weight I can't hold up & I'm sinking. The posts still haven't been picked up, I've heard nothing from them, though the cheque did clear - I really dislike having the responsibilty of goods that are not mine, I would like that unpleasant business transaction to be over. The fence contractor that I was messaging stopped responding when I told them of my location. I contacted another, recommended through the community website, their messages also stopped when I told them of my location; I pushed it a bit & sent a text asking what day & time they would come to do the quote they had already stated they were willing to do (not in those words, just asked for day & time), I received a 3 word reply 'Friday late afternoon', I doubt they'll show up.
28-06-2018 03:30 PM
28-06-2018 03:30 PM
Thinking of you and sending warm wishes @Exoplanet.
28-06-2018 04:22 PM
28-06-2018 04:22 PM
Great pics @CheerBear. Hi @Mazarita too cold for early morning chats. Hope you are okish, haven't read posts.
28-06-2018 04:55 PM
28-06-2018 04:55 PM
Hi @CheerBear, wow, only two cups of coffee per day, way to go! I can only dream of such a thing. Thanks for the kind words about my perseverence with the med changes over the past two to three months. I do feel I've kept my eye on staying centred, sensible and committed about it, even amidst wide mood and energy instability (if that makes any sense). I agree that forum time seems very different to real time. So much longer seems to have passed when someone takes a break. A week away in real life would be nothing. Here it feels like a major break, especially when we are used to someone being a daily regular. In any case, I'm still smiling that you are back with us.
Hi @outlander, I hope today feels better than yesterday, even if only a bit better. I hope you recover very quickly from yesterday's disappointments. You can do this.
Hi @eth, sorry to miss you in real time on another day. This morning I didn't have time to reply to anything on the forum as I had a morning dental appointment, somewhere it takes me an hour to get to by two buses. Had the other half of my teeth cleaned and scaled by the dental hygienist and got four more appointments for fillings, this time at my local clinic that only takes me about 15 minutes to get to. Mouth is still numb, as we agreed to go that path to make the procedure today easier and more thorough.
Hi @greenpea, I've changed my avatar to 'Wendy the Good Little Witch' in honour of the full moon. So at least there's two of us onto it! Happy full moon to you too, dear pea.
Hi @Sans911, it is good to see you continuing to post here. Hope today has treated you well, and that the evening is better.
Hi @Exoplanet, dear friend. What a damn nuisance it is getting two tickets for driving, and the confusion that came about with it. I'd suggest not worrying too much about the posts for now. It is up to the company that delivered them to sort that out. It's really no longer your responsibility. Though I know how you would like them gone. Sorry you are facing obstacles in finding someone to do the fencing. I hope that crew does show up on Friday afternoon. Sending big hugs for your feelings at the moment.
Hi @Maggie, nice that you dropped in. No worries about the early morning chats. Just good to cross paths whenever that happens.
I'm off out tonight, not very long before I have to leave. C and I are going to an art exhibition opening we've been invited to in a country town about an hour from here. Something different. Looking forward to it, at the same time half dreading the social interraction and car fears I will have on the way there. Many times I have cancelled out of ambitious outings like this. But we're going to do it anyway, mainly to see a friend who recently moved there. Glad to have been able to respond a little to everyone who's been in here today. Good stuff to all!
28-06-2018 05:13 PM - edited 28-06-2018 05:14 PM
28-06-2018 05:13 PM - edited 28-06-2018 05:14 PM
Hi @Mazarita love your new avatar. There's someone on fb called MoFoBoHo that does really interesting wiccan stuff and has a lot to say about this full moon - you might find it interesting. I only dabble in the practices but am definitely feeling full moon today. I miss my friend up north who I'd be doing some sort of ritual with if we were in the same place. Later tonight I'll do a little indoor ritual with insence (air) candle (fire) crystals (earth) and a libation of some sort (water). It's said to be a really good time for focusing on what you want to work towards/create/have in your life. The first full moon after winter solstice.
Brave you with all the dental work and also with your adventurous outing tonight. I really hope you enjoy it. I'm sure we will catch up again soon - have been thinking of you a lot the last couple of days.
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