
Re: Am Not Coping

I am doing a little better than I was even an hour ago - had pain killers lol @Snowie I hadn't had any since this morning but it was getting too much so I gave in. Going to take my night meds soon too.

The waiting game sucks Hon Smiley Sad 

Did you do anything with the family today - any little adventures out?

Re: Am Not Coping

@Zoe7glad you are doing a little better than awhile ago.s.Went out with family today but feel like a take all the fun out of things b/c of my anxiety and hard to be around other.


Re: Am Not Coping

That makes it even a bigger deal that you go though @Snowie - despite your anxiety around others you still do it for your family - takes immense courage Hon. Heart

Re: Am Not Coping

Yeah, I guess it does @Zoe7 we are staying home tomorrow so that is good. 

Re: Am Not Coping

Too right it does @Snowie Smiley Very Happy

I have plans to watch the footy tomorrow afternoon @Snowie ...the morning will depend on how I am feeling when I wake up. If my back is okish then the back lawn really needs to be mowed - it is only a very small backyard -usually takes me about 20 minutes to mow but might need to do it in small patches to cope - see how I am feeling tomorrow though.

Re: Am Not Coping

@Zoe7footy watching sounds good as well as mowing the back lawn. Tomorrow is a couch and pj day for me 

Re: Am Not Coping

Then hopefully Tuesday willl be the end of the waiting game for you @Snowie Smiley Very Happy

I may end up have a pj day myself - see how it goes. I might even get out my Elmo pjs - it is cold enough tonight lol

Re: Am Not Coping

@Zoe7I am hoping an answer will come on Tuesday. 

A little butterfly in Elmo pj's!!

Re: Am Not Coping

@Faith-and-Hope @Snowie @Sans911 I needed to take more meds so will log off before I do a F&H (yes Snowie I am using that now too lol). Electric blanket is on and bed island is ready for me... Goodnight all - may your dreams be full of rainbows and light Heart

Re: Am Not Coping

Goodnight @Zoe7, hope you get some sleep tonight Heart