
Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

The post-it notes are a good idea @Former-Member . I'll think about how I could use them without them disappearing into background clutter. I've tended to use lists and a prepopulated mood & activity tracker app, while occasionally using journaling to elucidate plans and strategies. But I've been too low for anything much to register. And "I'll stop procrastinating tomorrow" on repeat doesn't work.


Not applicable

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

I hope they can be helpful @Dimity 🌺🙂.. I like them because they’re bright, can be moved around easily, and they’re very much ‘just one thing at a time’. 
That is very understandable regarding having a low mood 💜🌺

I have also tried anti procrastination notes, but they haven’t been too effective either … I think it’s because it’s not a descriptive, specific, bite sized activity, and it’s just an ideal that isn’t achievable at the time. That was when I decided to use the singular activity on post it notes in strategic places in the house to see if that helped instead 🙂🌺

take care and I hope today is a better day 💜🌺



Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Hi all! I hope everyone is doing well.

I was hoping to query something and gain some insight into others experience; At approx. 10pm last night I was feeling very anxious and paranoid after reading about the Bondi junction stabbing that occurred over the weekend. My husband and I went to bed and as I was trying to fall asleep I felt stuck, like I couldn’t move out of fear. There were a few times I thought I heard my husband talking to me so asked him to repeat himself and he said he hadn’t said anything to start with. I could also hear noises in the house, like doors opening or things dropping on the floor and he also said he couldn’t hear them either. Eventually I fell asleep.

I’m wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar. I’ve had moments of hearing noises before but never hearing someone talking to me when they aren’t. I also only experience this during heightened fear. Is this a symptom of bipolar and would it be usual for it to only occur during a state of fear and paranoia?


Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Hello @Bipolar-II I've experienced that, and like you could rationalise I was mistaken. Many years ago I was prone to occasional psychotic breaks and remain on a small maintenance dose of an antipsychotic, but the mishearing was lower level and momentary.

Yes I was probably more susceptible when highly stressed and anxious. I hope your fears have subsided now the crisis has passed. We can be thankful such incidents are rare, and try to refrain from overreacting in their aftermath. In a crisis, look for the helpers... 

Take care.

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Hey @Bipolar-II - I can very much understand the concern, and hearing things that aren't real can definitely be unsettling! @Dimity is onto it with the part about your ability to rationalise it, and about it being more likely during times of increased distress. 


If it's something that you're super concerned about, or if it starts to worsen, it might be helpful to chat to your GP or others on your treating team if you have em. It is definitely something that can be managed. 


Hope you're looking after yourself today, be super gentle and engage in some self-care if you can. We're here for ya 💜

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

@Jynx @Dimity 


Thank you both so much for your replies. I have a very trusting relationship with my

husband so it’s helps to be able to believe him and rationalise that my experiences may not be accurate.


It’s nice to not feel so alone given that these experiences are like you have described, momentary, and are linked to

moments of high distress.


Thank you both for your insight, kind words, support and suggestions. I’ll keep and eye on it and see if there’s patterns or correlations that emerge and will have a chat to my psychiatrist. ❤️

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Hello @Lucylou1 

Come and meet some awesome members @Bipolar-II , @Jynx , @Dimity , @Former-Member , @tyme 


How are you going with your new diagnosis xx 

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Hey @Lucylou1 nice to meet ya! Always happy to chat, feel free to tag me 😉


Thanks for the tag @Shaz51 😊💜

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Hi @Lucylou1 and welcome. 

Cheers @Shaz51 @Jynx 

I've been very depressed for ages but at the moment it's overtaken by planning hospital visits for medical issues.


Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Oh how frustrating @Dimity - really sucks to have to put stuff on the backburner, but doubly so when it's our mental health getting shafted. I hope the hospital stuff goes swiftly hun, what are you doing hospital visits for? (Please feel free to decline to answer, I know health can be a very private matter for some).