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13 Jun 2018 11:23 PM
13 Jun 2018 11:23 PM
Hi @outlander@Former-Member@Shaz51@Appleblossom@Zoe7@Faith-and-Hope
I have been battling uphill lately - we had beautiful weather over the long weekend and it started well - I did a lot of cooking and walking but then the cold mornings got into my spine and my back pain was bad and I seem to be walking through quicksand with my sorrow for my son starting - or is it just him or other people who have died or had their birthday at this time of year.
I do tend to fall back onto my own resources when things start to get to me - but I have seasonal affective disorder too and my house gets cold and I start to think about moving and I know this time of year will pass and I thinking about moving because I like to have a choice and that is a choice I can choose to think about or not and one day I might
I'm thinking about you too Lapses - I know you are going through the same stuff and similar stuff and other stuff that is different but still hard yards - sending you hugs sis
14 Jun 2018 06:06 AM
14 Jun 2018 06:06 AM
Hello precious @Owlunar,
Thank you for thinking of me - I sure am going through much the same as you.
Sorry to hear you've been "battling uphill lately" 😔 Sorry too the cold mornings gets into your bones, causing pain 😞 And that sorrow for your son starting😞 (double wammy). and those empty birthday dates 😞 (my mums B'day July6😢). And yes 😲winter blues / seasonal affective disorder. The house feels cold and gloomy and restless starts... and ... And ya wanna move... but i 'get' that feeling of 'choice' / of something you CAN control. But we both know we cant run away..
Glad you had Beautiful weather over the long weekend, did some walking and a lot of cooking. Really gotta focus on those positives 👍
Hugz back atchya!
14 Jun 2018 10:27 AM
14 Jun 2018 11:24 AM
14 Jun 2018 11:24 AM
Morning @Owlunar @Former-Member @outlander @Shaz51 .... anyone else around .....
14 Jun 2018 01:12 PM
14 Jun 2018 01:12 PM
Hi @ @Former-Member @Faith-and-Hope @outlander
@Owlunar I get a bit similar with cold in the spine and looking for escapes ...
ahh ... the temptations of ... real estate dot com lol
I saw a studio by the Yarra in inner East I could have bought. Would I be happier there. It would be cheaper to heat ... but I have my solar panels ... here ...
My king cat has put on lots of weight and is looking his chunky old self
Means when we do the mutual heat thing .. he has more to give ... ha ha.
Cheers All
14 Jun 2018 01:41 PM
14 Jun 2018 01:41 PM
Running away @Former-Member - aw but I do - I organise myself into flying interstate for a few days and I was talking to my daughter about going up the north coast for a few days - I can think about it - I can prepare for it or not - and go or not -
LIke thinking about moving to a warmer place - having choices is always important - I like this suburb - I have lived in different places around here for over 40 years and even before that my parents lived around here when we were kids so I think I am likely to stay in this area - and looking up rental real estate is a way of looking at options during which time - winter keeps passing
This place is cheap and it is quite and once the worst of winter is over it will feel better and the sun is setting as early as it ever does here and the soltice is here in one week and I keep thinking about these things - and I will keep walking and build up my stamina and take off for Queensland if life takes my fancy that way -
Choices are fantastic
My birthday is July 6 too - how about that! - I am having lunch with my family on the day before - Thursday - my daughter works on Fridays and I am busy on Fridays - I might go to the movies on Friday night - I will have to see what's on - I really have no idea
I feel better than I did yesterday but I am getting majorly p^ss^d of with the services for domestic help provided by the council - like 2 hours not filled last week and now until I really get steamed up I lose another 1.5 hours tomorrow - it's remarkable how the Government has so much money poured into Aged Care but doesn't have the staff to service it - this is soooooooooooo annoying -
And I will do the chores myself and get pain from doing them and then the agency tells me I shouldn't do it and I do pay a price to have my chores done - so I really don't understand the thinking behind all of this -
And that's enough - I am easily annoyed this time of year
Thanks Lapses - thinking of you
14 Jun 2018 01:53 PM
14 Jun 2018 01:53 PM
King Cat is putting on weights is he? - So is Companion Cat - and she is extra-fluffy as well - and all this in her old age - and does King Cat put on extra weight if he spends the night on your feet or your tummy over night? - Companion Cat does - perhaps I lose the circulation in my legs if she sleeps on my knees - but I can hardly get that little cat off me in the mornings - it's amazing how cats do that
I will be looking up when I get fed up here - I do this every winter and maybe one year I will move - I am not unhappy here - or more unhappy or less happy than I have been anywhere else - and it's quiet here but living on carpets stretched over a concrete slab has disadvantages - mmmm - and I can spend the day on the couch with my feet off the floor
Just whinging - my bad dates are coming up - this too shall pass and Companion Cat is losing fur and will lose weight
It's just really good to know that people understand - I really do not like moving house but one thing about thinking about that is the constant ditching of things I do not want anymore - it's habitual and means hoarding just doesn't happen here
Nuff sed - thanks my friend
14 Jun 2018 03:28 PM
14 Jun 2018 03:28 PM
@Owlunar I am still in the process of reading back posts but wanted to drop by and say Hi and let you know that @greenpea and I are organising a full moon forum party for the 28th June- knowing you love a good party and anything to do with the moon I hope it is a date you can put in your calendar to attend ...totally ok if you can't - from what I have read you are struggling a bit right now... hugs Dec
14 Jun 2018 04:54 PM - edited 16 Jun 2018 12:57 PM
14 Jun 2018 04:54 PM - edited 16 Jun 2018 12:57 PM
Dear @Owlunar
Know how you feel re cats lying on us at night. My smaller mummy's boy cat could lie on me without doing damage, but King Cat was just that little bit extra heavy, that he would put my hips out ... so I spent a bit of time being very twitchy to discourage sleeping ON me. Next to .. was just fine thank you very much.
I have just gone through a bad date re my sister June 9.
Its hard.
Mummy's boy cat went to cat heaven last Dec which he have all grieved him. Maybe some weird psychic pressures were on my family in that CHristmas ... again ... as both cats were very sick, but the apparently healthier one died day before Christmas... maybe kidneys.
...King Cat was blee ding through his nose and struggling with weight and thyroid... dangerously according to vet. ... he has been on thyroid tabs and getting extra cuddles .... so it is very important that he he has put it back on... We are not sure how much time he has ... he still has a very mild discharge ... but doing much better than last December, which was the most ghastly month imaginable for me ... So now I share something extra with you ... unfortunately
My mother died on Christmas Day ... and the whole Christian thing has been huge ... will need to prepare the physical and spirit world for the next one ... if thats possible.
14 Jun 2018 08:00 PM
14 Jun 2018 08:00 PM
Hello @Appleblossom, @Zoe7 @Owlunar @Faith-and-Hope @outlander, @Zoe7 and everyone.
APPLEBLOSSOM - Sorry about June9th, wish it wasnt so, i often wonder how my son feels having lost his big sister / only sibling. Listening to you gives me a pretty good idea - it never goes away. Hugz, we can't replace b t we can be cyber-siblings for you . Haha, that has a nice ring to it - cybersiblings haha. Sorry, a touch of scribe mania happening there. And the cats, losing pets can bw hard - i thi k maybe i'm either getting use to it or shut it off. Feeling grief. Hardly ever cry now. Just feel numb. Apple, i think of you every time i see something musical, especially gospel. We have common geound.
DEC - think the trick is not to let yourself get cold. Do you have 'thermal' underwear? DMART sell it i believe (stick to natural fibers if you can). Its lovely you have such a history in your area Dec, memories. Walking with you through the aniversaries - dont let us forget (you know i forget stuff).
I'm feeling weird, gotta go check dad... maybe have a cuppa
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