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25 Jun 2018 12:30 PM
25 Jun 2018 12:30 PM
25 Jun 2018 01:16 PM
25 Jun 2018 01:16 PM
Yes @outlander - I will remember to come in to chat if I need to - 24/7 and we are welcome to jump in anywhere - I might be doing this as it gets nearer to my son's anniversary - and it seems to me that his anniversary is the hardest one - my parents and my grandparents dates come and go - I forget my grandparents' dates - I remember my parents - but even their anniversaries are times for commemoration - to honour their lives - esp my father whom I take after in so many ways - I was the chip of the old block and now I am the old block - my daughter and grand-daughter are passing likenesses down themselves - from my grandfather actually - which is something I don't mention to them - they may not see the humour in it.
Actually I am very lucky - I inherited good genes from my family -
Companion Cat is getting older too - and this year she has more weight that before this I think - still not a heavy cat though - unless she goes to sleep on my hip or feet - and she is a short-hair but has a dense. fluffy coat - I think I have a pic somewhere
I am just too good to be true Yes - here she is - this is fuzzy because I had to photoshop it - I took the photo of her from the other side of the room because she won't look at the camera - I am really lucky to have this cat - in fact - I am a really lucky person
26 Jun 2018 07:24 PM
26 Jun 2018 07:24 PM
26 Jun 2018 08:35 PM - edited 26 Jun 2018 09:40 PM
26 Jun 2018 08:35 PM - edited 26 Jun 2018 09:40 PM
Hi @Owlunar, sorry you've been flat & weighed down with negative anniversaries 😞 I don't have those date issues atm but sure do get the winter blues / hybernation syndrome.... Don't wanna get out of bed, sleepy and somewhat teary.
Realise moving far away for so long caused me to lose everyone here. I don't feel close to anyone. I care but could walk away tomorrow. I'm alone... And it hurts... Does that make me strange?
Anyway, maybe we can vege out in melancholy land together tonight, watch a tear gerker and eat popcorn together. Just be content being 'real' for a change. Hugz&Hugz Dec. I've missed you ❤❤❤
Hi to you @outlander, you're a faithful forum friend ❤❤❤
26 Jun 2018 08:41 PM
26 Jun 2018 08:41 PM
26 Jun 2018 11:03 PM
26 Jun 2018 11:03 PM
Hi @Former-Member@outlander
I am taking life quietly - I woke up early and then went to sleep for ages during the afternoon - this is partly due to the blood pressure tablets and it's okay - with winter and SAD and anniversaries sleep is a wonderful way to pass the time
But I know how you must be feeling Lapses - I don't feel important to anyone that much but I am self-interested I guess - I find life to be interesting and it matters not at all that I am alone so much but I think it was Sunday - I stayed in bed most of the day reading and the evening came in so early it was brutal -
And my list of anniversaries has begun but I am not going to list them all - it's just amazing how they are all jammed up inside 3 weeks but they didn't happen in the same year of course
When I liken winter in Melbourne with The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe I think that here winter never has snow and is never Christmas - but then I recollect a Christmas Day when there were severe bushfires in the mountaints and it hailed all over Victoria and I was at my daughter's place for Christmas dinner and we were all trapped in the garage where they have a pool table - and the Christmas Dinner was cooking but the hail was so hard and heavy we couldn't get out - but it put the bushfires out which must have been an answer to many prayers
We will limp through it together - I still haven't got around to arranging to see therapist number 5 - I don't know if it's general inertia with the weather or I don't want to open up old wounds -
Hibernation sounds like a good idea
26 Jun 2018 11:42 PM
27 Jun 2018 04:10 PM
27 Jun 2018 04:10 PM
Hi @Sans911@outlander@Former-Member@Zoe7
I am here and posting today - seeing I have had a lot of likes in different places - that brings a good feeling - I have to say this - esp when it's cold and grey and bleak and it's my deceased parents wedding anniversary - we all have them - parents and anniversaries - though not all one the same time-line or whatever - today I do
I know a bunch of people are wading knee deep through mud which feels worse when the sky is the same colour - all we can do is to acknowledge the way we feel and know winter doesn't last forever - which it seems like it at times
When winter comes the adage ran
Can spring be far behind? You bet it can
I wish I could can winter inside a snow cone like this one and feel a bit warmer today
27 Jun 2018 04:17 PM
27 Jun 2018 04:17 PM
I took this pic of snow in the mountains - I think the Dargo High Planes - from a plane last winter - now I know there has been a really great summer since then and the truth - summer does come back
Let's say I really want everyone to believe that but one thing - it's better fun seeing snow from a plane than actually walking around in it
This was last winter - it was much warmer in the plane thoughDec
27 Jun 2018 08:48 PM
27 Jun 2018 08:48 PM
Stop talkin about snow, its making me feel colder lol
Nice to have you chatting more Dec. I really need a dose of your independence from needing validation. Hate that i need ppl, b t yes, i'm a ppl person and we all have different giftings. I'm constantly working on my faith to believe Christs love is all i need. Not easy when one foots still in the flesh.
All my walkin around at shops & taking dad to DR today 😞 my everything hurts from the waist down. But hey, gets mind off noisy thoughts... Found myself a hair straightening brush today. Excited to see if it makes my hair less frizzy. And Millers had some great bargins & really helpful staff member (who understands chubby ☺).
Anyway, lets keep holding wach other in the light, just get through winter. easier said than done lol
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