
Re: Living with Loneliness

@tyme Hello

Found this and thought it would be nice to share and hope it’s true for everyone this night


Bedtime Affirmations:-


I am calm and peaceful now that my day is done.

I've done my best today.

I'm proud of what I did


My body is relaxed.

I let go of all that no longer serves me.

My heart is grateful.

I'm ready to receive through my dreams.

Thank you for this opportunity to reset my mind.

All is well and in perfect order



And will the image stay?

good night from me I hope!




Re: Living with Loneliness

Awwwww @Doldip15 ! Thank you thank you and thank you. 


That was amazing. I really needed that tonight. I feel like it's been one of 'those days'.


Tonight, my sister asked, "Is it the full moon?" (the children have been behaving off the charts tonight)...

then voila! You post a pic of the moon lol.


Thank you 💜

Re: Living with Loneliness

Dear @Doldip15 


this is beaut. 

I will do this as well. 









Re: Living with Loneliness

Amazing and so serene @PeppyPatti 

Re: Living with Loneliness

Thanx @tyme 

Thankyou for your attention. You are very insightful with your emails etc...... 


Can I ask a question ? I forgot to go to gym this week I only go once per week I'm trying to get to once a week but it's like I'm too exhausted to go again. Wtf ? 

Why is that ?? Is it my age ?

I feel like iv fallen off the bandwagon in excersise ......

Re: Living with Loneliness






Love your posts here and your sharing and it’s so nice to be part of a group of survivors who understand the pain inside, the desire for a better life free of pain and the times of raw disappointment when the pain hits again! 
But it’s nice to share the warm fuzzies too! And thanks for the positive input! I realise through these stories, how much I’ve grown as a person and how much the people in these forums have grown and through pain and hardship! 
thanks so much to all of you!

and thanks for Snoopy! One of my favourite cartoons! 
Loved the Far Side too so I’m going to have to keep trying with photos to see if I can’t upload some favourites to share some laughs occasionally as a laugh got me through some really tough times! 
Thanks all!


Re: Loneliness

Hello @Henry2 

I have been reading your posts and your story twigs memories of my second husband when his wife left him and he was so lost! I wonder if you are able to deal with washing and cooking and shopping and the everyday things we take for granted as these things he didn’t know how to do! He would buy packs of 10 pairs of underwear at a time until he had so many undies they could fill the line on their own! The butcher gave him instructions on how to cook roast meat, so roast became his favourite and successful meal! Work his only company! Except for occasional trips to the Casino with a mate! That was excitement for him and how I met him! I was asked to drive him when his mate was not available!

As for your loneliness now, I have been trying to think of ideas for you that are safer than a Casino! 
Depending on your age, there’s things like U3A where you can meet people with similar interests to even play cards, learn computer skills, discuss news events, or try a new skill altogether- like Art of some kind! Like me, you can prove you’re not very good. But it’s something to do that’s positive, meeting new people and taking you into an environment where you’re welcome! If you look up council website, it will give you a list of available activities, with and without your dog! If you sign up for one, I find meeting someone with whom you make a connection is more of an accident if you like, not something you can count on, but when it happens, it usually leads to a nice friendship! It’s a matter of joining in with something! I volunteered at the local Community Centre! They value a hand with all sorts of things! Keeps you busy and friendship might come later! It’s taking that frightening step out of the confines of loneliness, into the fear of rejection, and simply being yourself. Tell the person inside your head dictating your fears that you’re trying new things for your self confidence and self esteem and you won’t be controlled by the little voice upstairs that says you won’t be accepted! My husband had a whole little band of elderly women - customers of his business- who made him special cakes, biscuits etc, to “look after him” as he was alone! When he became ill, they all volunteered to move in to care for him and he finally had to acknowledge that he had remarried, fearful of losing his treats! He was also fearful of telling me about these lovely women! And lovely they were! I lost him a long time ago! 
So my advice would be to venture out there! One activity at a time! If it’s not for you, try another! There’s walking groups, Park Run (I believe you can walk), card groups, U3A, Council activities, Exercise Groups run by physios to keep older people active, all sorts! So depending on your age group- find one and try it! Just avoid things that might lead to heart ache! You don’t need it when you’re vulnerable! So no on line dating for example! You need time to heal, review your spiritual needs and understand your feelings in relationship before you try for that again too soon! Look after yourself! And keep talking! It really helps!

welcome to the Forums


Re: Living with Loneliness


Re: Loneliness

@Doldip15 @Henry2 My Dad's been going to U3a & it keeps his mind active. It's pretty social too

Re: Loneliness

Hey @PeppyPatti ,


For me, I only ever pay for a casual visit because I KNOW how uncommitted I am to going. 


What I found with exercise is that as soon as you stop, it's so much harder to get started. However, once you get started, you tend to have more energy to continue. That's me anyway.


As much as I don't like exercise, I just make myself go for walks etc. I don't think about it too much. I just put my shoes on and go out because if I think about it for too long, I end up procrastinating and not going.


Another option is to make yourself accountable by going with someone. Once you've made the appointment, it's harder to chicken out of going. Would you go with your partner?


These are just things that worked for me.


Hope you are feeling better today.