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02-06-2017 10:06 AM
02-06-2017 10:28 AM
02-06-2017 10:28 AM
02-06-2017 11:10 AM
02-06-2017 11:10 AM
Oh wow @utopia Thats a lot of stuff going on. Go easy on yourself. Give yourself time to digest it bit by bit. Lots of breathing practice and grounding. Completely do everything opposite to what I do....panic is right out! You can work this out just give yourself time. I know you can, I see your super problem solving brain for the important things. You've got this, it's just those blooming baby steps again to gently give yourself time to do what you need to.
Sending heaps of hugs and love. 💜🤗💐
02-06-2017 11:46 AM
02-06-2017 11:46 AM
Time to do some thoughtful thinking - I had a look at some clip art - there are some great pics there
So here's one
This might not be helpful - but I will be thinking too
Gotta go now and
I will be thinking of you @utopia and @Former-Member
02-06-2017 12:52 PM
02-06-2017 12:52 PM
Hi @utopia - I hope you are doing OK in there. Here are my thoughts on ECT - my understanding is it useful for treatment resistant depression. In other words people who've tried multiple medications and therapies over many years without results. I wouldn't have put you in this category. Also it does effect your memories. I was talking to a doctor about this recently and some people completely lose chunks of memory. He had a patient who after ECT can no longer remember giving birth to her child. Some people can have many ECT treatments and not lose any memory while others can have significant memory loss. I don't know about you but my memories, good and bad, make me who I am and I don't believe it is worth taking that risk. This is just my opinion. TMS has had very good results and it doesn't have the risks of ECT. The problems with TMS is you have to be an inpatient to get the treatment even though it only takes around 30 minutes and you can get up and go straight afterwards unlike ECT where you are anaesthetised. The reason for the inpatient stay is so the hospitals can make more money by having a bed occupied for the 4 week duration of the TMS treatment cycle. The TMS machines cost big $$$ and the hospitals want return on investment even though there is no reason for an inpatient stay. I've looked into it and spoken with the doctors who do the program. I really want to try TMS as what I read is very positive but the thought of a four week hospital stay just for 30 minute daily treatments doesn't appeal and I don't think my insurance will cover it. Also please be aware that neither ECT or TMS are a "cure" - symptoms always eventually return and often there needs to be maintenance sessions of ECT as a follow up. My thoughts for what they are worth are stick with a regimen of medication and therapy. There are always new meds coming onto the market as it's a big money maker for the pharmaceutical companies so they are forever pumping money into research. On another note I've encountered doctors who use ECT as a "weapon of choice" as it's their particular favourite treatment whether or not it's truly beneficial to the patient. Sorry about the rant - it's just that I get upset when I hear mention of ECT as I've seen what damage can be done. I've never had it and I am very opposed to it... like I keep saying it's just my opinion. Look after yourself and get some rest... take care
02-06-2017 01:08 PM
02-06-2017 01:08 PM
02-06-2017 01:12 PM
02-06-2017 01:12 PM
02-06-2017 01:17 PM
02-06-2017 01:17 PM
02-06-2017 02:20 PM
02-06-2017 02:20 PM
02-06-2017 02:33 PM
02-06-2017 02:33 PM
Shite day indeed @utopia
The great thing about virtual flowers is that there is no 'perfume' that can add to you sensitivities...
Thinking of you my beautiful little cocky friend
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