
Re: rough time

Yes it does @outlander. It does feel like a never ending battle. I’m okayish. Feeling a little bit the same with lots of thoughts. All mine seem to be conflicting 😬

Im wondering if you’ve ever tried a youth group or something similar that might have night time activities. I have no idea really but that thought just entered my brain. I know for me going to groups helps get me out of my head. 

Re: rough time

Ive got alot of mood swings happening atm. Its like some sort of (un)lucky dip i never know what/when its going to change. I can sometimes predict whenitll change like trggerring events but latley it is all over the place. It is making it very hard to drive or do anything at all.
Ive had this feeling where im like this fizzy drink bottle. Everything's shaken up and the lid is holding everything in together waiting to explode.

That is a good idea though. Usually a hot shower, a cup of tea and a movie helps but not latley. I havent been able to find what else helps yet.
Any other unwinding suggestions?



Also how did your day go?

Re: rough time

Conflicting thoughts often matches those conflicting emotions dont they @Teej
Did you want to talk at all? No pressure though but happy to listen

Theres no night groups for my age and night time is abit scary around this area sometimes. I did try 2 different groups though in the day time. One was a younger persons group but it got cancelled and i was excluded from everything unless i am a mother they didn't talk to me. The age group was to stop at 25 however most were over 30 with kids and houses etc so it was kinda weird because i didnt face the same challanges them.
Thr second group was an open age group with arts etc however the vibes in that room were like being thrown in a snake pit was uncomfortable the first session thought id try again and wasnt any better so i havent been back since.

When i had friends ( the ones who now dont even acknowledge my existence for god only knows what) i use to catch up with them either in the day and occassionally thr night. I felt more normal then and not as bad. Was also doped up on every bloody med going though at the time too. Since going off my medications except one which is a mood stabliser-lol not a great help atm! It makes me question what on earth i have been doing that entire time.

Re: rough time

My day has been lovely @outlander, thank you for asking 💕

One of my girls is reading on her bed.  The other two have gone for a walk together, which is a joy to see.  We spent the whole morning through to early afternoon with my Dad, and he is taking a rest now before we catch up with him for dinner.

Spent a little bit of time with my sister, who can be really hard work, but she was fine today.  We will be spending more time with her tomorrow ... most of the day in fact, but on and off, so hopefully that will be fairly smooth as well.

Do you like beach walks @outlander ?  Or riverside ?  I find water soothing and relaxing, just watching it move and catch different lights and shadows.

I am learning that when a lot disturbs us it does seem to bank up inside, and comparing it to fizzy drink is a good analogy.  Once there has been some shake-up and the fizz has gained energy, it is important to take some time to “un-fizz”.  I know that feeling of being entirely unsettled, like an electric under-current that can make me feel a bit shaky.  That was part of the symptoms I was experiencing at the beginning of the year.  

Try to work with your senses .... spray some favourite perfume on your wrist.  If you don’t have one, find one .... see whether something floral, or musky, or spicey appeals, and maybe it will be different on different days.

Stop at a playground and swing on a swing, or push yourself slowly on a roundabout if you can find one.  Otherwise sitting on an exercise ball and slowly rocking from side to side might do it for you ..... there was a reason why people had rocking chairs and porch swings .....

Music .... something that you find calming and relaxing .... piano, guitar, flute, pan-pipes .... play with it a bit and see which sounds relax you.  This might change day to day too.

Hoping something there helps.

Re: rough time

 @outlander The ones I do are through a mental health organisation. I’ve looked at a few ones through different organisations. I thought that maybe there might be something for younger people too. We do have a youngin in our group but most of us are older. 


Sorry you found it difficult. Here’s hoping you find something that helps soon. 


I need to go for now. Im leaving the house for the kids tonight. May be on later. 💜🤗

Re: rough time

Ah im not through a mh organisation yet @Teej they may be able to suggest something though when i eventually start seeing someone again. Thanks for the suggestion though
Hope tonights a good one for you ❤

Re: rough time

That sounds like a loveley day @Faith-and-Hope good to hear your kids are getting out more too. I hope tomorrow goes well with your sister as well hoping its another day like today.

I sometimes go to the beach but it's full of dogs so i really only sit in the car ans watch the waves if theres any parking spots. Weve lots of surfers in our area too.

Yes exactly it is unsettling. At this point id rather more of the numbness come back.

I hadnt thought of the perfume i use a nice moisturizer though. But a perfume might be nice too though.

Thank you for the other suggestions too. Ill have a look and see if something pops up

Re: rough time

@Sans911 💜
(No need to respond if you dont want just aknowledging your presence)
Not applicable

Re: rough time

Just a quick hi to you @outlander


Hoping your day was ok. 

Re: rough time

@Former-Member sorry i missed your msg
Thank you for popping in
I hope your days been ok too