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In with the New Year - Hampers, Quick Cash and Credit cards ---thoughts

Hi  @oceangirl73 🙂  I hope you don't mind my copy/pasting this name list (I get forgetful with names)     I'm listing names just so at least some of you will see this, I still haven't really got the hang of Sane. If you have a friend on here who might be interested, you can let them know.  🙂

Hi @Shaz51 @Faith-and-Hope @Decadian @Appleblossom @PeppiPatty @Teej @Appleblossom @OverTheEdge @Briar @Lostboy @Kurra @darrenhayes @Zoe7 @TAWNEY @MoonGal @BlueBay @Silenus @GonePirate @Change123 @mrkotter @utopia @Queenie @aButterfly @eth  @lisajane  @dothemo  @mosaic  @sahara  @niknik  @jacques   @cherrybomb  @mohill  @greenspace  @bipolarBear   @emstar  @ayesha

There are many marketers vying for our money.  It is not about "us" at all, it is about them making money.  I'm making a few suggestions here.

Way back when Victorias State Savings Bank offered Christmas Club, and then Calendar Club accounts, in my teens/20's I loved them !!!

It consisted of a deposit booklet and each coupon was dollar amount and I think it was 50 coupons per booklet.  Denominations were, I think , $1 through to $10 or $20.  Each week, one would deposit to the account with one of the coupons.

Withdrawal was  the entire deposited $$ only on the expiry date of the account.  One could decide when the account would mature.  Working with several in the same house hold, I organised for accounts for water, telephone, power etcetera, and if more in the account than needed for the bill, the extra would go straight into the new account.    

Made life much easier 😉

Suggestion.    Instead of getting hampers, why not open a designated account that will have strictly no withdrawal until, say, Nov or Dec, and only for Chrismas things.

Make a list, now or through the year, of what you would like at Christmas, and then you have your money and your list right when you require it. 

This avoids being manipulated into purchases you would not have normally made, and, well, I sure wouldn't be wanting to try and pack away that many groceries in one go !!!!!    (especially with the Christmas rush on the go)

Quick Cash   There has to be a reason why the ads are quickly followed by  Get out of Debt offers.

Credit Cards    Try to only see them as very short-term loans, that is, a week or two, 3 or 4 months at worst, and only using them that way might help overcome credit card debt.

Note:  I have used Calendar clubs and have struggled with card debt in the past.  I post this in case it may help someone, just general suggestions.

Hugs 🙂 🙂 🙂


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