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26-06-2018 10:36 PM
26-06-2018 10:36 PM
I get what you are saying @Teej
and its OK. When you are here, you are another light in my often dark world, and I feel less alone in my experiences. Although we are probably quite different, we are quite the same too. I'm getting to like you very much the more I know about you. Like me, you're much too hard on yourself, but I think I understand the reasons why.
For me, ALL of your responses are considered, thoughtful & with a lot of kindness and compassion in them. I've never had a problem with any of your posts. I only wish you didn't doubt yourself so much, because I believe that you are a really beautiful person that is incredibly generous and caring to others, but doesn't treat herself the same way. If you don't mind @Teej
I'm sending a big, warm hug your way 🤗
26-06-2018 10:43 PM
26-06-2018 10:43 PM
Exactly @outlander
I'm really glad the worry box works for you. I always suggest things to you even if they don't work for me because of that reason.
And yes @Teej
is an amazing, caring, kind and support person to so many people here on the forums. She's all the place, supporting so many in such a lovely way. Those people in your rl @outlander
don't know you like we do. So it's their loss. There's a hurt there still for their rejection, however, there will be a time when you will have genuine friends that see your beautiful heart, and will like you just as you are.
26-06-2018 10:50 PM
26-06-2018 10:50 PM
26-06-2018 10:56 PM
26-06-2018 10:56 PM
Thank you @Sans911. My first reaction was "Nope I don’t deserve those comments".
I used to be on the forum all the time. I didn’t second guess myself like I do now. So much has changed for me in the past few years. I actually joined in nov 2015 but in fits of si deleted my account twice 😖😳. Ironically I lost lots of confidence and put soooooo much pressure on myself when I became a CG. I hid from the forum for a long time.
Now my absence is for so many reasons. One is I feel guilty knowing I’m supposed to be working on functioning better rather than spending hours and hours on the forum. For about 18 months I read every post every day but it wasn’t as busy as it is now. I also responded to many. I know that if I have any chance I have to try to find things outside the forum.
I think secondly I’m much more aware of me absorbing everyone’s pain so sometimes there’s even a bit of self care now. I would stay up with people all night in the past and my life would be dependent on theirs. It’s taken me a long time to understand that relationship.
I often have huge doubts and second guess myself and have huge fears of making it worse or hurting someone. I don’t know how to trust myself for anything and often struggle to work out what is reality.
Lastly and I struggle/d with this immensely, is that I used to be very egalitarian here and always try to make sure no one got left behind. I hate myself so much I can’t do that anymore and that I’m starting to limit the threads I go on to support people. Its caused much personal grief that I can’t do or be the person I want to on here.
It’s also much easier to write one or two off replies. I find that I become so emotionally attached so easily too so often I do the 'run away' thing so I don’t feel so much. I have a bit of push you pull you too that has become more pronounced over time.
Theres my thesis of a response :face_with_rolling_eyes:😳
26-06-2018 11:03 PM
26-06-2018 11:03 PM
Sorry got carried away with my over the top response. The part I love about the forum the most is watching people pick people up with kindness. There seems to be a big push for women to support each other more rather than compete with each other or drag someone down in order to feel better about yourself. I see that the forum is a pretty good example of that genuine care and support 💜💜💜🤗🤗🤗
26-06-2018 11:04 PM
26-06-2018 11:04 PM
But that's cheating @outlander!
And you're a much bigger supporter of many, many others than I am.
26-06-2018 11:05 PM
26-06-2018 11:05 PM
26-06-2018 11:05 PM
26-06-2018 11:05 PM
Pity rl wasnt more like the forums @Teej
26-06-2018 11:07 PM
26-06-2018 11:07 PM
@Sans911 ahh but i have sister privileges im allowed to do that
26-06-2018 11:21 PM
26-06-2018 11:21 PM
I LOVE your OTT thesis response! It's outstanding. You know, many of the things you discuss in the two posts are similar for me, but I've only been here a year. I've seen big changes in that time, so I can only imagine how much change you have seen.
But I think for your own sake, you need to let go of some of those expectations and guilt. Your own journey to well-being is paramount to you leading a life of being confident of you and content that life is giving you what you want.
I had many of those concerns when I became CG too. And it led to huge issues with SI thoughts because I wasn't being the role model I should have been. I agonised over it so much, and sometimes still do. But I've also realised I'm human, struggling with complex MI. So I backed off trying to be everything to everyone. I still welcome new members, I offer ongoing support if I can, but if I can't, and I need time to take care of my needs, then that's also not a bad thing for other people in the forums to see.
You've come in and offered amazing support to me of recent, and I understand by your absence that you're possibly supporting others or looking after you. And I don't have issues with that at all.
Be gentle on yourself @Teej
Give some of that beautiful caring, kind nature back to you. Because you are so worth it, and you matter a great deal
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