
Re: Anyone feel like chatting?


im glad youve taken the most of your situation and turned it into something good. not many are able to do that.

yes you sound strong not jsut physically but mentally too. you have a big heart that welcomes people in and wraps around them in a hug.


that poem is amazing Bella. it really is! i have copied it onto a word document so i can see it whenever i like. and im very glad that you like the drawings too. and love the name of it too. i love kitkats they are my favourites ever!

Not applicable

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

@outlander Refusing to be hospitalised just makes them want to hospitalise you even more, and force you to stay under the mental health act. So, I always wonder what's the point.. Although there was a time where I ran past and dodged security and ended up on the train tracks with police searching for me... But thats a different story.

I do have a regular counsellor with headspace and kidshelpline (I hate the name of kidshelpline, as I am not a kid). I have also contacted beyond blue here and there but they can't really do much. Online doesn't really help me, just due to the reasons that excersizing my thumbs into words doesn't necessarily provide any release and it wasn't be able to provide or sustain happiness. Or improve anything in all retrospects of things.

The counsellor helping me is actually a counsellor who works with kidshelpline. So thankfully I won't need to have constant panic attacks of having to meet in real life. Even though they are based in Queensland. So we will be trying to communicate over the phone, as a stepping stone as first to trying to be able to verbally communicate. I don't know how that will go down. I feel sick thinking about it but it is what I need to do.

Yeah definitely. I am also really needing help with the crisis side of things- and also my psychosis... which relates again to having a crisis... or episodes.

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

hey all
ditched group therapy
3 old people.... run by a church... "grow" is a joke
they make you recite all this dumb stuff from a book... then they throw prayer in there as well.. religion screwed me enough..
now i have no motivation in my life..
Why do i even bother hey?

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?


im not really too comfortable replying on the other thread, its not whats on there and it certainly not you one bit! So please dont think that. It had nothing to do with how often your here or anything like that. I came down to me. I was in a right state of mind still kinda am that I am underserving of anything good and I deserved everything bad that has happened to me including the SA.
Please know its not you.

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

if you dont find grow to be helpful @MDT is there any other group therapies with your age in your area that you could get into?

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

@outlander -love the new drawing and particularly the colours you've chosen there 💗

@Former-Member - I wanted to reply to your post when things were a little quieter in our house. It's ok not to reply if you're not up to it or wanting to.

Reaching out for help and support can be so hard and it sounds like you so have many barriers to overcome. It must be really tough.

Hospital can be helpful, even if it is temporary, especially when it seems like the only other option is a very permanent one. It's really good that you can see this and that you know it is there if you need.

It would be really hard to lose hope that support is out there for you, when it seems it comes and then goes suddenly.

Back in May I lost all hope that anything or anyone could help. I resisted CATT intervention in a pretty big way, adamant that hospital was not an option. I crumbled and crashed badly before accepting an admission for a stay in a mh facility (not hospital). I didn't think it would really help and didn't expect too much out of it, but it was actually really helpful in the end. I still struggle lots sometimes, though not exactly with the same kind of intensity as before. It really showed me that good things can definitely happen when they're least expected, and reminded me that while I'm alive and keeping on keeping on, I don't really know what's around the corner. I'm going to try to hold on to that if nothing else, if/when I hit a bit struggle patch again. I think do hold on to it often, even now.

You seem to know yourself and understand what it is you need and what would help you, well. I think this is a really important thing and will help you lots. It can be so tough to listen to ourselves when we're overwhelmed, but you have gotten yourself this far and that's pretty important to acknowledge sometimes (in my opinion anyway). Just keep chipping away dazedanais, like it seems like you are doing.

I'm so glad you find the forum helpful. Having this space and connecting with the fabulous people here, has been a huge part of why I am still standing after this very challenging year. Keep talking here when it helps - there will always be someone listening (reading) and caring.

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?


i had the same thing happen to me with the MH act, are you able to jsut admt yurself through the ED then?

its good that the therapist your working with now works with KHL thats good, they often know the most information. you can only try your best.

i really hope they can help you, with distress tolerance, with everything

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

i tried to sign up for one but then they told me they didnt have enough numbers..
checked the site and they started a group already..
it just triggered a tonne of things for me.. religion hurt me so much. Its why i struggle so much now too..

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

Is anyone still out there im doing terrible and don't have the courage to call life line ;;( I feel selfish putting it here but I'm suffocating in my mind and feel like I'm gasping for air and so incredibly alone
Not applicable

Re: Anyone feel like chatting?

Hi @Ney, the forum has quietened down a little bit now after being busy earlier.  I'm sorry that you're feeling alone right now.  But this is the place to come when you're feeling that way.

What makes you feel like you can't call Lifeline?  They tend to be pretty good in these situations.  It can really help to get all those thoughts out of your head and into the world.