
Not applicable

Re: Art

I don't really do much artwork these days @outlander, though I did draw my child a rather cartoonish Vampire Fairy. They used to love Fairies when they were little, then they grew up and feel in love with 'Twilight' - they mentioned they'd love a pic of a Vampire Fairy, so I've drawn them one. I'll see if I can take a pic of it and put it on tomorrow 🙂

Community Guide

Re: Art

That would be good @Former-Member

I posted your edited version of your pic too
Not applicable

Re: Art

I've put the outlined version of my 'N' as my Avatar @outlander, it does make it stand out more - I thought it was perfect . . . but you made it better 🙂

Re: Art

ahh yes @Former-Member i can see that now that im looking

im glad you like it

Re: Art

Artwork not going st the mo @outlander.

Resting until I find the right mindset.
Community Guide

Re: Art

Thats ok @Faith-and-Hope your talents not going anywhere 💓💓💓

Re: Art

@Former-Member@Former-Member@Faith-and-Hope paddle steamer.jpg

Re: Art

coloured horse head.jpg

Re: Art

grey horse head.jpg

Not applicable

Re: Art

Oh @outlander!!

These are great!!!! I love the horse, it looks so content, beautiful work!!!

Keep going. I haven't drawn for a few days and have no access to my laptop so can't change the one I did last - wasn't a happy one anyway.