
Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather


Looking forward to the picture, I know what your saying about once I see it and know I'm seeing it, I will always be able to. I know the Southern Cross now and can see it every night (when the clouds allow it) and I'm really proud of that 🙂

Niqua @Owlunar

Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather

how long is the moon phase @Owlunar ?

it seems to change really really slowly...


i dont think ive seen the wolf star yet. i ahve seen many bright ones and a few constaltions but i cant seem to pick up the wolf star yet- is there some way to find it?

Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather

Hi @outlander


If you get up early in the morning - around 7.00am - you can see the Wolf-Star rising in the east and it is really bright and obvious - a few weeks ago we were looking in the west - in the evening - now it is rising in the east in the morning - Orion is rising more to the north-east - and that is easy to find if you get rugged up and go outside - the three stars of Orion's Belt are easy to find and the sun is rising very late so you don't have to get up really early


I love talking about all of this - I find it endlessly interesting



Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather

Hi Niqua - I am proud of you too - watching the Southern Cross - it is visible all night every night when the sky is clear


And Outlander - the moon's phase is about 29 days - from new moon to new moon - 





Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather

Was it full moon last night @Owlunar ??

hello @outlander, @Former-MemberSmiley Happy

Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather

Hi @Shaz51 😊

Oh ok im usually up earlier than that. I might get my lazy backside out of bed before sunrise then watch the sunrise too. I love sunrises too. I watched thrm alot when i went on holidays back a few months ago
Wow so it takes a whole month for a full moon cycle.
Is there never a time when theres no moon? Besides when the weather is yuk and you cant see it i mean.

I found the southern cross the other day and the dipper as well.

I think i need a teleacope!

Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather

I think i need a teleacope! -- me too @outlander, @Owlunar

Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather

Hello @Shaz51 🙂

Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather

Thanks @Owlunar for remembering to include me in this.
I've always known Sirius as The Dog Star. Dog / Wolf - similar.
Hopefully it will be visible in the east for a few days - as it's freezing and often below 0°c in country Victoria.
Thanks for the image.

Re: Dec's Guide to the Night Sky for Amateur Astromomers - including Melbourne weather

Hi @redheaded 


Come in and take a look around - there are lots of pic of planets and info


If you have any questions just ask - not a lot is happening here since my last comments about the full moon and Orion and Sirius rising in the morning - we have the moon in the 3rd Quarter now - rising in the morning

