
Re: Everything music

Is that the stuff we get @TAB ? I got pink lemonade but only take 1/3 at a time. 

It's really really helpful for me. 



Yes I take a third gummy today I started at age 56 years old. It's very good. As I'm not a young user it took me a long time to admit to using them 

Then I only need a very small amount because my body is like unused to this stuff. 


I seem to be doing inappropriate diarrhoea when I go out whilst waiting for the gall bladder operation. I walk home ( uncomfortable ) hop in shower have 1/3 gummy and about to read. 


@Clawde @TAB @StuF @Appleblossom @greenpea @Glisten @Jacques @Zoe7 


Re: Everything music

@PeppyPatti that's so rough for you and it's definitely not a comfortable feeling. I'm hoping that once you have surgery it will settle down for you. 

Re: Everything music

imvcomputer challenged too

Neuro diverse challenged too 

Re: Everything music

this is legit in US ? @StuF 

Re: Everything music

on balance I think it works @PeppyPatti 

Re: Everything music

No no @TAB 

Wasn't talking about what you're having. Talking about all the illegal drugs

Re: Everything music

yes, no QC @ Wizards Warehouse where Street Doctor gets stuff from.. @StuF  lol 

Re: Everything music

lol @TAB 

Re: Everything music

..they do wear gasmasks @ the Lab tho @StuF  lol...........

Re: Everything music

Hair nets too @TAB ?