
Re: Everything music

Sorry can't see photo 

Re: Everything music

 re 80s and 'best' @PeppyPatti ... Ed the Head .................

Re: Everything music

photo is my cert IV ... certificate .. @PeppyPatti  lol

Re: Everything music

PErhaps the moderators realised you name was on the cert ? 

What r you gonna do with it ? 

Re: Everything music

i obliterated name @PeppyPatti 

get a freaken JOB, ($100k pa) ..what ru going to do with yours ...

Re: Everything music

I'm never going to work again as long as I live. I'm going to TAFE to do a diploma of Counselling and work out if I want to finish my Psychotherapy. But never ever to be one. 

Re: Everything music

well its not Free here re course ok I had to pay $750 for 4500 course , but was still my money lol so it Owes me ... plus I will Not live on $410/wk for next 5 years til get aged pension lol @PeppyPatti 

Re: Everything music

plus as well as the $750 ca ash .. drove to class 26 f@rken times = 10,000 km off the life of my Cop Car Commodore 

Re: Everything music

Wha ?? How much ? That's deplorable. 

Can you clean houses ? 

Re: Everything music

@PeppyPatti @TAB @Glisten @ENKELI @SmilingGecko @StuF @Clawde   good morning all have a super Wednesday lots of love peaxx