
Re: General chit chat

@Mazaritaheres my sunset. my first attempt at painting.


i did a collage once. i sometimes do them with my youngest sister to keep her occupied. havent done one for a while as they usually end up in the bin lol

i like colouring in too, but i have to be in the mood at the same timesunset.jpg

Re: General chit chat

Look forward to seeing your painting, @outlander. I have only done acrylic and watercolours on paper at the group. They usually look very abstract. I'm an absolute beginner when it comes to drawing and that kind of art. Smiley Tongue

Re: General chit chat

@Mazaritabeleive it or not ive really only started drawing since ive been here. my first real drawing were the garden i drew, remember that? our little community garden?

this painting was done with watercolours 

id love to see any of your artworks if you feel like sharing too

Re: General chit chat

@outlander, I'd share one drawing but there may be people from the group on the forum and I might be revealing myself. The group is at a mental health centre. I'm a bit like @Former-Member that way, hoping not to be too obvious about who I am here. Smiley Wink

Yes I do remember your garden drawing, that was great. I also remember the threads you started with all the coping tips, that was awesome. Heart

Re: General chit chat

totally understandable @Mazarita 🙂


i came across that garden drawing not to long ago, my skills have def gone up from those. maybe i should put a pic up for good old days sake

Re: General chit chat

For sure, @outlander. Share away! Smiley Very Happy

Re: General chit chat

I can't wait to see the painting @outlander. I like your style of art.

Re: General chit chat

@outlander, your sunset came through, very nice! Smiley Very Happy Heart

Hi @Queenie Smiley Happy 

Re: General chit chat

ok here it is!

wow so this was done back in april! havent things changed since then! think my drawings have improved since april

@Former-Member@BlueBay@Mazarita@Queenie@Faith-and-Hope@Zoe7@Shaz51@Former-Member@CheerBear@Appleblossom@Former-Member@utopia@Phoenix_Rising@Former-Memberthink thats all that are still with us....

Re: General chit chat

A trip down memory lane, @outlander, looking forward to seeing it. Smiley Happy