
Re: Good Morning!

❤️ @BlueBay ......

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Re: Good Morning!

Hi @ Faith-and-Hope, thanks,  not talkative atm.  I did go for drive to Richmond for lunch yesterday,  for my respite,  had some sort of disassociative episode or something,  memories i think, and sad about dad, and so so tired, patchy recall. But did drop off a FULL boot load to charity at least. How you doing?

Re: Good Morning!

Sorry to hear it’s a rocky patch for you at the moment @Former-Member.  I hope you were able to rest physically even though your emotions were a struggle and dissociation was there too ..... and the charity drop was great.  Well done .....



It’s a cross between a rest day and a housework day for me.  It’s only S2 and me here at the moment and he has slept all day, so I have had the chance to do bathrooms and floors ..... long overdue, and having to be done in bits and pieces around everyone usually, because the place is so small and so busy.  I am still mopping sections of floor at a time so I can still move about the place getting washing on and what-not, but resting in between.  The house smells really fresh now, but there are still benchtops to do, and the table needs a good clean.  Have to pile everything into a basin to get access to them.  Still, nearly done.

Re: Good Morning!

Hi everyone. My second cup coming up.image.jpeg

Re: Good Morning!

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Morning all 

Re: Good Morning!

Morning @The-red-centaur

how are you this morning? I read thst you were in hospital last night. I hope you're ok. 

take it easy 

BB xxoo

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Re: Good Morning!




Just a post to bring out you adventurous inner child 🙂  Have fun somewhere. I'm actually gonna make it to church today. Take care ❤❤❤


Re: Good Morning!

@BlueBay I'm not the best but better than last night. I'm so tired. Trying to nap.
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Re: Good Morning!

What's up @The-red-centaur ? Hope your day picks up.
Hi @BlueBay...

Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member I was having bad chest pain last night and ended up in emergency.