
Re: @Re: Good Morning!

@outlander Hi outlander 🙂 I hear you have a new car! well done being able to cope with all the stress that it entailed. 🙂 You really are a very capable young woman xx

Re: @Re: Good Morning!

i do indeed @greenpea and thanks Heart
how are you going?

Re: @Re: Good Morning!

@outlander I am pretty good this afternoon. Ex couldn't come because of difficult gf (hehehehe!). Serves him right .... anyways the kidults were okay about it and I will live although I do like having him over he is a good man when I am not psychotic. If I am psychotic he doesn't know how to handle it ... funny (in a strange way).

Have had some pizza and am enjoying the peace and tranquility of this afternoon. An seriously thinking of having a shower to get warm but it's the getting in and out which is so hard as it is freezing here still. How is the hand? Is it still improving? You had a lunch today (yes?) did you survive it in one piece?

Re: @Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Former-Member Me agitated too, especially yesterday...


Re: @Re: Good Morning!

Hi @greenpea How's my favourite Legume (pea) going?

I'm eating some green peas in late lunch, right now...


Re: @Re: Good Morning!

lol @greenpea you 2 still seem pretty close even though that part of your relationship is over..

i generally have the heater running in my room then when i jump out its warm in the room.
hand is very very slowly healing. i can almost fully close it now but cant hold any weight in it yet but can rest things on my arm as if i was carrying books cuddled in my arms- think that makes sense? but not for very long. i did have a lunch today and made it through but had to take lots of small breaks like going to he bathroom or just getting up to go to the bar for a drink etc

Re: @Re: Good Morning!

@Adge 😮 I can hear my aunties and uncles going down the hatch from here :P.

Re: @Re: Good Morning!

@Adge How are you going my fav lil finch? 🙂

Re: @Re: Good Morning!

Nothing like bathroom breaks I know all about those .... @outlander well done surviving it all. As for your hand it has been a long drawn out process for you hasnt it. I really hope it starts to mend quicker now for you. 

Re: @Re: Good Morning!

yeah it is taking a while @greenpea but it is improving whihc is the main thing. the nerves will take the longest to heal. ive got the carpal tunnel syndrome and it can take a while to heal properly. i can wait to be able to finally use my hand more or at least be able to grab and carry things short distances