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13-03-2017 11:54 AM
13-03-2017 11:54 AM
Hi @Faith-and-Hope.....
I deleted my account about 2 months ago... I was very paranoid.... I just re-joined today.....
Lovely that your son appreciates the effort you made!
I don't know how good I would be at decorating cakes if I ever have children....
13-03-2017 11:58 AM
13-03-2017 11:58 AM
13-03-2017 12:01 PM
13-03-2017 12:01 PM
@Former-Member I am so glad I got that right!!! I love your description of Monet's work - the blues and greens with a splash of colour - just beautiful... and 'the way he fuzzes it all together' is a brilliant description of any Impressionists' work. What pieces/images do you have - or is that too identifiable?
13-03-2017 12:29 PM
13-03-2017 12:29 PM
13-03-2017 01:27 PM
13-03-2017 01:27 PM
Okay @aButterfly ..... Here are the traditional "butterfly cakes". Are you familiar with them ?
For anyone who's not, you cut our a circle in the top of a cupcake, fill the space with icing or cream, or cream cheese mixed with icing sugar (there might be a vegan version of this @aButterfly, as I am guessing you will be making vegan cakes), then cut the remaining circle in half and prop the pieces on top of the filling to resemble butterfly wings.
Here are a few other ideas ....
Just coloured icing with some supermarket icing shapes scattered on top is creative. That's what we used to do with our youth group .... bring cakes, icing, and decorating things, and let the kids go to town with it all.
14-03-2017 09:36 AM - edited 15-03-2017 12:21 PM
14-03-2017 09:36 AM - edited 15-03-2017 12:21 PM
Hi @Zoe7, @Faith-and-Hope. everyone...
Love all those creative cupcakes , cooking can be very creative. Found this rainy day painting of Monet, love his subtle use of light + colour, plus it reflects the weather I'm experiencing here today. Hope everyone is well & at peace today.
Just realised its autumn drr - my favourite season
🍁🍁 🍁🍁. 🍁🍁
14-03-2017 09:55 AM
14-03-2017 09:55 AM
@Former-Member I am not receiving some emails from your or @Faith-and-Hope so just got this one!!!
I'm doing ok - baby steps and minute by minute, hour by hour today!
Hope you are doing ok
14-03-2017 10:46 AM
14-03-2017 09:02 PM
14-03-2017 09:02 PM
15-03-2017 12:31 PM - edited 15-03-2017 12:33 PM
15-03-2017 12:31 PM - edited 15-03-2017 12:33 PM
Hi @Kurra, @Kurra, that's lovely that you've had that Monet rainy street view for so long, decades. His style will be timeless I think. This is the big Monet print (1x1.2m) in my lounge room. Found it at a garage sale for $2 because the glass had broke, looks pretty good without glass I think 🙂 Hope you are well?
Hi Zoe7, @Tookyspookims, @Faith-and-hope, @Appleblossom, @Teej, @utopia, well, just everyone xox
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