
Re: Can someone help me

Sorry to hear you are feeling sick @Pepsimax .  Have you got some chamomile or  peopermint tea to try ?  Sometimes that can help.

Re: Can someone help me

Anyone around ATM need a chat

Re: Can someone help me

@Pepsimax I can't stay around tonight but thought it would be good to see if you can join one of the other threads to join in the conversation and get some extra support. Hugs Hon Heart

Re: Can someone help me

Anyone around ATM need a chat

Re: Can someone help me

I am out with my kids tonight @Pepsimax soI can’t stay long either.  Are you okay ?

Re: Can someone help me

Not OK hate everything

Re: Can someone help me

Has something happened to set this off tonight ?



Re: Can someone help me

I hate everything is anyone around

Re: Can someone help me

Anyone around feeling terrible now

Not applicable

Re: Can someone help me

Hi @Pepsimax,


I'm so sorry to hear that things are terrible for you right now. Smiley Sad I just wanted to let you know that I sent you a check-in email.


You don't deserve to go through this hard time alone!


Kindest regards,
