
Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

Brownies are good @Former-Member just dont eat too many of them.
Its alright you can login/logout whenever you feel like it. Im glad your feeling better today and not in so much pain.
Its on and off rain here. Mostly just showers though. The sun keeps trying to peak through the clouds at least
Im ok i guess just anxious and brain in overload mode.

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

You caught me just be4 I left SF. Why are you anxious?

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

And im around fr a while if you wanr to chat in real time @Former-Member

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

Im waiting on a phone call for a possible psych @Former-Member we were suppose to have a chat yesterday but she had an urgent call so shes ringing up sometime today.

Plus my head is being a cow and thinking of everything between a sick sister, work, the rain, rhe phonecall ( which the waiting is making me anxious) then it goes onto my sister didnt say goodbye when i dropped her off. Its bloody pathetic. I dont even know where my brian gets all the thoughts from.

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

You are just like me, I do the same as you. I do understand 100%.
Very sensitive, & caring, racing thoughts are just that. Only problem is, that in a real race there are winners & losers. Our thoughts all come from the one place, our brain. So then, we neither win, nor lose. Maybe try & distract your thoughts by doing something that has nothing to do with any of your thoughts. Can you just write what you may say to the Psych Doc down on paper, then be done with it for now until she/he phones.
Maybe go out & bake a Cake, or sing a song, just get rid of those anxious thoughts by replacing them with something you like thinking about. Do you think you can do that now, or not?

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

I cant @Former-Member im stuck inside with a sick kid and cartoons all day. Ive nothing to do to distract me anymore. They wont shut up.
Ive written down notes but she also has questions so im not sure ill be able to ask them

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

Ive been on here to keep my mind active

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

Yes, I can see why you may be like you are atm. I would not like that either I hate my cats meowing at me in the morning but they do stop after I tell them to.
I like peace & quite, if you like you can ask me some questions that you think you may not be able to ask the Doc, I may be able to help even if only as a caring loving friend Nothing shocks me believe me, it's up to you though? xo

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

I honestly dont know what to ask @Former-Member
My head just wants to explode and irs making me teary bur i cant afford that right now

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

I'm hugging you in my heart, ok never forget that. I'm upset now that you are upset. If you hurt, I hurt!
(((((((outlander)))))))) my darling!
I will just get this shopping done before I lose my delivery time for tomorrow.
I will come back to SF just for you ,ok!
XO 🙂 Bella BBS!