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Something’s not right

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow sending some 💕💕 your way hon. Hoping today is a little better for you.


Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Thanks @Snowie 


@today ain’t been ok. But what’s new? 😩 I’m bottom of bottoms. I did something today, my SW reported it to my CM. Now I’m kinda expecting her to call.., or even show up? Should I even expect a call though? Maybe she don’t care.

my tired and exhaustion feels worse today. Obviously CM couldn’t get anything sorted out today with my meds. Friday it has to be.  Fuck it. Something so simple yet I am so desperate. But when if it’s not that simple???? @Jynx 

 I should probably not be on here. 

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Bow ,


Sorry to hear today is a not-so-good day. 


Anything we can do to make it easier to bear?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Doubt it @tyme  thanks though. 

I try and try..,; but just don’t get anywhere. 

Re: My Mosaic

Hearing you @Bow .


Do you think reducing the 'trying' can be helpful? 


In the past, when people said that to me, my head would immediately go to 'give up and die'. 


But when I actually stopped trying, I realised I became an observer of what was happening rather than being in the midst of it....


I'm probably not even making sense... sorry.


I'm here if you want an ear.

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Honestly not sure how to answer your questions @tyme  im sorry.  I just have to get myself to Friday, which feels near impossible at the moment. I’m not in a good way. 

if I stop trying… what do I do?

Re: My Mosaic

I am more than willing to sit with you hun @Bow .


Here for you. I'm hearing how hard it is for you right now.




Re: My Mosaic

@Bow 💗💗

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Thanks @tyme @Snowie 

its really hard

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Bow


I know things are so hard right now. I know it's rough trying to make it to Friday, and it's okay to feel frustrated and stuck in that waiting period. No matter what, Friday is going to arrive. 


Do you have anything on tomorrow, something to help pass the time, fill out your day?

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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