
Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

What kinda games do you play @Jynx  i mostly hate monopoly. We had a kids version and d loved it and we played it way too much and it’s wayyy too simple! So it kinda disappeared. We do have the full version but it’s hiding somewhere. 

yeah I’m feeling better… but my ED took being sick as an opportunity and hasn’t let go.


inside out 2 was good. Disney is so creative! 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow yeah monopoly is quite meh - I mean, it was created to show people the dangers of unregulated capitalism so like... until the game becomes a 'fantasy' again, I ain't got energy for it 😵😅


We played two games, one called Photosynthesis, where we all had different trees we needed to plant to try to take over the board! Was fun, and pretty cute! Then we played a game called err.... oh. Rats. Name has slipped out of memory bank for now. But it was kinda like snakes and ladders meets D&D haha. Quite good!


Aww darlin, may it relinquish its hold on you all too soon! 🤞

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

@Jynx  We are currently playing cards and d got the ruler out to measure the centre of the table cause she was adamant that I had an advantage when the cards were closer to me. I just keep thrashing her haha 🤣 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Bahaha oh yep I see you really are competitive, the both of you!! @Bow what game requires more table space to be the winner, is it a super fast one?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah it’s a fast game @Jynx  dutch blitz and piles. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Hmm never heard of it @Bow - reckon you could explain it briefly? I'm wondering if it's anything like a game I used to play a lot, called Spit (I think it's called Speed actually but my siblings and I called it Spit, lol). You each start with half a deck, and at the start of each round players set up 5 piles of cards in a Solitaire style (as in pile 1 is one card face up, pile 2 is 2 cards, bottom one face down, 4th pile is 4 cards, bottom 3 face down, etc etc), then put remaining cards on the side of the playing area as a draw pile. Then you count to 3, both players draw from their draw pile and have to put cards out sequentially, i.e. if a 10 gets flipped you can put a 9 or a jack on it. First person to get rid of all their cards slaps the smallest 'spit' pile, and takes them. Goal is to be the first player to be rid of all your cards!!


Sounds simple but we used to get SO into it, we'd be practically smashing the table  🤣


Aww wish we could play cards on here hey!

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Hmm maybe a little similar @Jynx  it’s a completely different deck of cards, but had 4 suits. Start with 3 cards faced up and then count out 10 faced down and turn the top one over- that’s your blitz pile, which you need to get rid of. The rest of your deck you turn over in 3’s. 
You put the cards out in the middle in their colour suits 1-10, the 3 cards ya got turned up you can put down and once freed up you can move cards from your blitz pile. It’s a quick game, circling through the cards in your hand, using the cards faced up and trying to get rid of your blitz pile. 
sorry if that doesn’t make sense!

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Haha @Bow it doesn't make sense buuuut I reckon that is entirely because of my brain! I've always found that in order to properly understand how a card game works, I need to play it haha. Experiential learners! We all are!!


Haha so you've come out victorious have ya? Or did D get one over on you in the end?

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

oo i had to google what beach glass is - i remember playing with them as a kid, never knew that it was called that! @Bow 


ohh yep, i hear you! those last minute sudden changes tend to throw me off as well, i can see how the ED behaviours can complicate that for you too. glad you were able to manage it today and fill in that time with art and your daughter!!


its always so confronting when someone says, 'what if it were your best friend', everyone responds to it different depending on where they are so its valid if that sort of phrase doesn't work well for you. the tough part about healing, is that sometimes its going to hurt before it gets better. its like when you break a bone, even when you heal that broken bone, it hurts like hell to fix it up but its necessary so the bone heals well. i know that opening the locked box is absolutely painful and terrifying for you right now, and you can absolutely take your time, cracking it open the tiniest bit at a time like you are now. even if you're slamming it shut right now, totally fine, maybe one day you'll just gently close it.

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Haha @Jynx  i use to play blitz years ago, then had no one to play with. Then my SW mentioned it and I remembered I had it and d would probably like it. I watched a YouTube video on how to play it to remind me…. Couldn’t work out the instructions! 

I thrashed her too many times and she went to sulk under her oodie! Oops. 😅 


do you know the game rummyO?