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Something’s not right

Re: My special place

@Snowie glad to hear you slept well last night, sleep makes a huge difference. I hope you are able to get what you need from the supermarket and it's not too busy. I hope today is a better day for you ❤️

Re: My special place

Just got back from the supermarket @NatureLover Ran into one person I knew but she was in a rush so didn't talk long. That was good.


@creative_writer have you got anything planned for the weekend?

Re: My special place

@Snowie I've been trying to work on my assignment today, I've at least made more progress today than I have for a while. I just hope it becomes easier, it's still not easy. Do you have any other plans for this weekend?

Re: My special place

Any progress is good progress @creative_writer You should be proud of yourself.

I'm sorry it's still not easy hon. I get that.


H just arranged to go fishing tomorrow with a friend. I'm sure it will be an early start for him! Will be good for him as he has worked all week, including today. He needs to just get out and have some fun. Both kids working today and tomorrow.

So the weekend is pretty much mine now, even though I will probably just stay at home under the blanket. I like being alone but at the same time that is when I don't feel secure.


Re: My special place

@Snowie it’s true some progress is better than nothing.

Sometimes you need some time under the blankets. I’m under my blankets rn. It feels soothing. I often study in bed, probably not the wisest thing to do lol

Re: My special place

If studying in bed gets it done then it sounds fine to me @creative_writer 

Sometimes our safe space is what we need.

I'm under my blanket too!!

No one else is home so it's safe.

Re: My special place

@Snowie nothing beats a blanket on an autumn day in VIC. I only got a bit done, my brain feels sort of dead now. Are you up to much while under blankets?

Re: My special place

A bit is more than none @creative_writer 

I've moved to the couch (with the blanket) to watch the footy. I've just been trying to keep distracted.

Are you up to much this afternoon?

Re: My special place

@Snowie not up to much. Contemplating whether to have a cuppa since it’s already close to 5, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep. I feel miserable 😞. Brain fog is bad rn.

I hope you are enjoying the footy

Re: My special place

Sorry you feel miserable @creative_writer 

Is there anything you wat to talk about or get off your chest?


The footy is a good distraction. Did something this morning I shouldn't have.


Illustration of people sitting and standing

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