
Re: My special place

Thanks @CheerBear @outlander

@CheerBearit is hard time in our waiting place. I hope you don't have to wait too long either Heart

Re: My special place

So hard!
Waiting with you @Snowie 💗

Re: My special place

@SnowieWaiting with you too. Got my fingers, toes and anything else I can cross for you.Heart

Re: My special place

Sitting here with you @Snowie happy to chat if you need 💜

@Sans911 💜

Re: My special place

Hi @outlander

How are you going?

Re: My special place

Hi @Snowie im going ok. Ok enough anyway. Just keeping distracted abit.


How are you going? 

Re: My special place

@outlanderI am ok. Am still waiting but at least I know things are in the works.

Had psych today, that when ok


Very anxious about how the next few days will go. I want to say I will get through it and be okay, but I am not too sure. My nightmares have been about this incident recently. 

Re: My special place

That is quite understandable that you would be having those nightmares @Snowie with the date coming up. Sitting on Neptune with you Hon Heart

Re: My special place

I had a quick  read over the other thread @Snowie and seen its coming up to this aniversary. 

Has your psych given you some ideas on how to cope too? 

We will be here for you too to chat distract or whatever you need. 


We can always try and guess how we will be but we dont really know till the day really. Just have to have things in place and try to deal with things as they come. 


Maybe youll be in hospital  on this date... that would probably be a big help to you with your safety. If your not though you could go to the ed at a public hospital if things get to bad... 


Howve you been coping the past few days as in what things have you been doing? I know you say your ok but i know that your struggling 🌻🌼


You of course dont have to answer any of that,more than happy to chat about anything  that might help. 

Re: My special place

@outlanderspoke to my psych about it today so have some things in place. I was hoping to be admitted before this but it won't be the case now.

I guess saying I'm ok is just an easier response. Thats really all I say to people irl.

The last few days I have just been trying to distract myself as best as I can.