
Re: My special place

Yay for nice nurses @Snowie

Bed days are a ok. Rest is always good for body and mind. A bit if a longer stay might help you to stabilise a little as well as give the meds a chance to start working. Do you feel any different on these ones yet?

Re: My special place

Not yet @Sans911

Re: My special place

It'll probably take another week or so yet. How long did your pdoc say, or give you an idea? Are you sleeping OK?


Re: My special place

@Sans911 he said at least another week for med changes and then a few days to make sure it is all going to plan.

Sleeping ok. Just got meds of nurse then

Re: My special place

So he wants to keep you in until he feels it's working?


What have been up to in your spare time, apart from sleeping?


This might be the last post I get out to you tonight. So I'll say goodnight my sweet sister in case you nod off. 💕💕💕💕🐈

Re: My special place




Re: My special place

Morning sis @Snowie i hope todays ok for you 💜💖

Re: My special place

Morning my sweet sis @outlander. Today is a bit brighter.

Good luck with your phone appt. I hope it goes well 

Re: My special place

Im glad to hear todays abit brighter @Snowie are you attending some groups today?

Thanks, hoping to hear something this morning. I have a sick kid off today. Mums at work so i drew the short straw

Re: My special place

@outlander yes attending some groups today. Bigger about sick kid. Hopefully they are content with couch and movies