
Re: My special place

@Snowie things have been a bit chaotic on my end.

I’m happy ECT has helped. I know it does help many people. D’s sporting event on Sunday sounds exciting 😊

Re: My special place

That all sounds like good news @Snowie. I'm very happy for you my friend.

Re: My special place

hey @Snowie just read your update, really happy to hear you've been seeing some progress, so proud of every step you've made!! the open art studio sounds really great, glad you have that creative outlet to keep you occupied as well. 💗

Re: My special place

Well 1 more ECT as an inpatient and then back to monthly outpatient ones. Looking forward to my own bed 😴 Definitely being discharged on Saturday. 


My mum asked me yesterday if I was "better" now. Didn't know what to tell her. I know she is just worried but at the same time I don't think we are just magically better. I don't feel 'cured'.  Yes my MH has improved but at the same time I know how easily it can slip again.  Yes I'm hoping to never come back in here as an inpatient, but I have hoped for that in the past and look where I have ended.


So when I go home do I just act normal again? What is normal?

Still lots to think about.

Re: My special place

Hey @Snowie  my dear friend. So glad to read that you are doing better and that this course of ECT has been of benefit. And yay to going home!! 🎉 on ward and up ward my friend! 💕

Re: My special place

Such good news @Snowie ! I don’t think we “get better” or cured of mh but I do believe we can be more stable and learn to deal with our triggers before they take over. That’s my theory 😊