
Re: when is it time for hospital

Hi @Former-Member and @eth


I have seen a lot of life - I really have - and I cannot judge another person - in spite of my strict upbringing


Perhaps my grandmother taught me a lot of compassion too - she had an unhappy life


Yes - things are hard for me right now - but I will always remember this - when my son was missing I would go to a couple of places where there were homeless people and I would take bread, baked beans and canned fruit - which was a safety measure - the people started to trust me and I them. They would give me messages about my son and take mine to him


After he died these outcasts from society would sometimes approach me in the street. They would express there sorrow for my loss - it was their loss too


Life can be hard and cruel - I don't know how people become homeless - but in spite of a good home my son was - and I would never turn aside from someone because they are different. I don't know their story



Re: when is it time for hospital

Thinking of You @Owlunar.  It must have been soooo painful for you.

Re: when is it time for hospital

Thank you @ethHeart

I'm sorry you had a similar experience and appalled that you were taunted! I have never had a bad experience with the Police (that I can remember), they have always treated me fairly - they are the only ones I can go to if in need. I have never thought of times in my life as 'manic' or 'episodes', but that was a really bad time in my life. A man whom I'd had to take a DVO out against, would not leave me alone; he had found the phone number for my work and had started calling me there. I felt as if I had no escape, not even at work. I tried to drown it, it didn't work. Still to this day I fear him, although I realize he has a physical problem with the processes of his brain - I call it negitive brain processes, I believe they are the worst. Whereas I tend to much to do as I'm told, which has led me to get into a lot of trouble in the past. It's like these fellas get a new toy and want to press every button to see what they can make it do - and I would do my all for them. All or nothing - that's me . . . . now I choose nothing.

Re: when is it time for hospital

Re: when is it time for hospital

I have chosen nothing for many years too @Former-Member.  Too many.  Am trying to get back into life at least a little since relocating 6 months ago away from the place where I went through DV more recently than what happened in my last post.  He was a narcissistic psychopath.  I totally get what you mean about the 'new toy' .  Been there too many times too.  


Re: when is it time for hospital

I have to go out soon @Former-Member.  Hoping you will be ok after this deep sharing.  I'm feeling pretty stirred up myself but I have a support worker coming in an hour so should be ok this afternoon.  Thankyou for sharing so personally.

Re: when is it time for hospital

I'm fine @eth. I don't know where that came from, just out of the blue, but for some reason I must have wanted/needed to get it out. I'm so grateful for this forum that gives me a safe place, without judgement, to do so. I hope I didn't stir too many bad memories for you, and that you enjoyed your support workers visit 🙂 Thank you for accepting meHeart

Re: when is it time for hospital

Hi everyone @eth @Owlunar @Former-Member

Re: when is it time for hospital

Hi @outlander  how was your day today?

Re: when is it time for hospital

Im knackered @eth
My sacriliac nerve is acting up sore hips back and neck and dangerous tired. I started to nod off in the shower and slipped around abit from jelly legs and driving around i can hardly stay in my own lane.
9oclock this morning i sorted out the paychologist thingy
Ive been weeding a horse paddock from 10 this morning until 3 and filled 10 of those large white garden heshian bags. Then i had to do my horse and by the time i left it was 5 oclock then i had to do the sick horse and by the time i had dinner it was 7 oclock and then i came back to my house so ive really only not long got home. Im trying to wait out my mother and her bf going to bed cause i need my tablets before i go to bed.

I think ive used muscles that havent been used in a looong time cause ive literally splatted into bed and i dont know how much longer ill be awake. Even my eyes hurt.

The weeda i found out after id done those house of weeding that they are poisonous and thr toxins can be absorbed through the skin. Bit late now