
Re: when is it time for hospital

How are you holding up sis @Sans911

Re: when is it time for hospital

@outlander I am right handed & 2 years ago injured my right shoulder so badly I got a frozen shoulder. I couldn't even do up a bra for 4months. And I'm not small in that department lol!

Re: when is it time for hospital

Om gosh haha @Sans911 im not small in that department easier. Its going to be a great pain for the next week.

When your having a bad day picture me like a puppy chasing its tail trying to grab the bra straps haha

Re: when is it time for hospital

Re: when is it time for hospital

@outlander that gave me a little giggle. Much like my cat who chases his tail and makes cranky noises then bites it haha

Re: when is it time for hospital

haha lol @Sans911 well maybe if we hang around them long enough we will pick up their habits 😉

you cat sounds funny, does he/she have any other funny habits?

Re: when is it time for hospital

@outlander yes, he does. If I can ever fix the issues with posting pics on my computer I'll put some of him on. He loves to jump for things; pretty surprising really as he is a long cat. Then he likes to bite my toes under the duvet when Im trying to get into bed. And most nights when all the lights are out he will sprint from my bedroom down the wooden passage into the kitchen. He does this several times just to keep up awake a little longer.

Re: when is it time for hospital

oh my goodness haha i bet thats amusing!

i remeber when i had a cat when i was alot younger, he use to curl up on my bed and just as id drift to sleep he would hit a psycho mode and run crazy around the room inclduing over my face! so as soon as he would get up , my head would go straight under the covers

haha maybe hes trying to trim your toenails for you 😉


Re: when is it time for hospital

@outlander I am so glad you are back. Its a BIG thing to go through no wonder you got all messed up inside. I'm not even having happen to me, yet I hardly slept & have been upset since I found out. 😞
Don't worry about anything, Doctors & Nurses understand. My GP doesn't like needles he told me once, & he is also a surgeon at very busy Hospital.
They are people just like us, special people.
Luv u
Bella XX 🙂

Re: when is it time for hospital

Aww @Former-Member im sorry. I really am.
I hope that this doesnt affect you any more than it already is.
Hugs ❤❤