
Re: when is it time for hospital

Hi @Sans911 @outlander just got home 😞

Read a bit back. Big hugs @outlander hope you are ok.

@Sans911 You can have big hugs too!!

Re: when is it time for hospital

Ive just booked a hotel for 2 nights on sunday and monday night of next week heading into the week after.
Saturday the tribe want to be around me for the day do didnt make it for then @Sans911

I just dont know what else to do. The more upsetvi get the more physically unwell I feel so id better go calm down or something as i need to keep what ive eaten today down

Re: when is it time for hospital

@outlander - I know it's hard, but just try to rest and ride it out. Tomorrow your sutures come out, you go back to work, and things will improve, but try try to gallop before you can trot (sorry for horse speak). I understand the frustration, I understand the irritation, but you have to trust in the process.

Re: when is it time for hospital

Im still alive @Former-Member trying to work out my next move. I just booked a hotel for next week
That was a long day! How are you feeling?

And because im not thinking how are you @Sans911

Re: when is it time for hospital

Ok sis ill ride it out. Good use of horse lingo btw..... @Sans911

Re: when is it time for hospital

@Former-Member Aww thanks hun. I only get hugs from the cat, so that's nice

Re: when is it time for hospital

@outlander haha 😂 your pics just came through. Yea, there has been once or twice I've thought like that. More out of frustration for you than anything else.

Re: when is it time for hospital

@outlander Buy some Passion Flower tea. It works very well to calm the nerves & its all natural, & safe to use.
I just purchased some more for myself off Ebay. You can buy it in Health Food shops too.
I think we all would benefit from Natural products & they are easy to get, no Script needed. It really does work promise you.
Luv U
Bella xo 🙂
Not applicable

Re: when is it time for hospital

Well i am glad you are still alive @outlander !!! That hotel might be nice just to get away from all the craziness. Yes it was a long day. Did small talk for a bit with the other mums but ended up in my car😑😑i need to speak to my psych about it, seem to be pulling away from people more and more.
@Sans911 you can have as many hugs as you want. Cuddles of the cat would be nice. Pets make great therapy. Maybe i should get a dog. I wont tell you what we do with the cats around our house😑😑

Re: when is it time for hospital

Hi @Former-Member didn't see you there!!how r u?