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Re: Hearing voices think I'm going crazy

Interesting thoughts @Appleblossom . The take I'm getting is that, "integration" is a "doing word" (or integration happens via integrating. Not really sure if integration is the word I'm looking for.


It's making me think about @Willy , who's been on a CBT-p journey. It does make a huge amount of sense to me to tone down psychosis by building on the mental fundamentals. Gotta say, as someone in the nervous cluster with eccentric traits, the idea is a fascinating world to me.


I have a bunch of struggles trying to explain my issues with close people @Amiee . What happens with me and a lot of people/conditions is, when it gets worse is when we need to talk about it and that's also when it's hardest to talk about.


So, for those reasons, it can be good practice to bring things up during the easy to communicate times and also to try and focus on one thing at a time when things get frazzled. Sometimes remembering that can be helpful.

Re: Hearing voices think I'm going crazy

On the “voices aren’t real” like bozo lobbed off on the previous reply there.. then why are there so many victims hearing these “voices” around the world.. female voices in males heads.. male ones in women’s heads saying disgusting things to her .. young and old voices with their own personalities.. their very own troll attacks on victims.?? .. not all voices are evil. So whatever this garage is.. it isn’t completely dark
. but most are.. we call them demons, but that’s because only a demon could be that cruel towards their victims. But it’s not demons.. some other telepathic crap.. as humans we are not used to Extra Sensory Perception.

. we think the voices trolls us are coming from our neighbours or from cars passing in the street.. our minds can only process what we’ve been fed growing up..

and these voices that apparently aren’t real?

Then why do little kids hear them too before they do any drug abuse or hear injuries??

Children are a clean slate.. but are still haunted by these voices.. watch the documentaries on YouTube kids with schizophrenia screaming they’re never alone..

why does granny hear them too?.. so any imbecile who thinks we’re insulting ourselves in the shower (including children who hear voices) can bugger off!!

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