
Re: My self care motorcycle, boating and photography adventure

Went for a 200 km ride on my bike this afternoon.   Feel so relaxed after. 


Re: My self care motorcycle, boating and photography adventure

Spent the day out in the boat today. Left home while everyone was still sleeping and got home in time to take boys out for regular weekly activity.

As a bonus bagged enough fish to feed the family for tonight.


Re: My self care motorcycle, boating and photography adventure


Quite peaceful until the jet skis arrived.

Thankfully they moved on soon enough. 

Water police need to come on down and enforce the holiday speed limit. 

Re: My self care motorcycle, boating and photography adventure









Re: My self care motorcycle, boating and photography adventure

Another family day out in our boat today. 

All went smoothly which I am most grateful for as it often ends with melt downs and tantruims. It was a most relaxing day

We are so blessed to be able to access areas like this.We are so blessed to be able to access areas like this.


Re: My self care motorcycle, boating and photography adventure

Children were delighted when a large dolphin came alongside the boat.

I was less than delighted when everyone ran to that side of the boat while we were moving lol. (Small boat doesn't take much to unbalance particually when moving). It was nice seeing the children's excitement though. 


Re: My self care motorcycle and photography adventure



Re: My self care motorcycle and photography adventure

Wow @Determined , Smiley Very Happy

@Adge , @Ant7  

Re: My self care motorcycle and photography adventure

It was nice @Shaz51 

I am a bit weary after a 4am start to the day but it was worth it.  Went out with my brother for some reef fishing. (Only go out in sheltered waters I'm my boat).  Only caught a small happy moment fish. Aparently the wind was blowing the wrong way and that affects how the fish feed. 

Re: My self care motorcycle and photography adventure

A planned motocycle adventure with my mum has been postponed due to forecast wet weather.

Not that I am complaining about the rain, we need it. particually in the areas that the proposed rout travels through.

(The round trip depending on time management during the day will be between 6-800 km).