
Re: My self care motorcycle and photography adventure


I thought this forum was supposed to be anonymous. How did you get a picture of me and my hubby? 😆 😆 

(except now it's guitars)

Re: My self care motorcycle and photography adventure

Managed to get out for a ride this ave.

Bit of a glitch in the middle when I dropped the bike 😫😭


No injuries. Just hurt pride and bent/ scratched  crash bars.




Re: My self care motorcycle and photography adventure





Re: My self care motorcycle and photography adventure

I get darling to endorse any big purchases before jumping in but thought this was funny.




Re: My self care motorcycle and photography and boating adventure

Managed a family day in the boat today.

Weather has not been in our favour for some time.

Ended in tension and left wondering again why do I bother.  Children seem to have enjoyed the day though. 

Re: My self care motorcycle and photography and boating adventure

And just for a healthy dose of mixed emotions... darling was talking about our next trip over dinner 🤷‍♂️

In her defence she did get drenched by a rogue wave over the side of the boat on our way home. 

Seems I am the only one who remembers the tension. Everyone else remembers the  great time we had. 

Re: My self care motorcycle and photography and boating adventure

Managed a ride on my bike this afternoon after procrastinating for hours trying to make up my mind. Glad I went.. I always feel so relaxed after. 

New year goal is to do this more often 😃

Re: My self care motorcycle and photography and boating adventure

@HenryX  this is a thread that you may be interested in to as you get back to your bike. I find my bike a great self care tool 😀

As you can see I also dusted off the boat and added it to the mix but it is gathering dust again as the weather never seems to match up with my windows of opportunity. 


Recently the bike has only been used for commuting as I have a ~100km  each way commute 1 day a week for uni. Definitely beats taking the car when it is not raining. 

Re: My self care motorcycle and photography and boating adventure



Hi Determined,


Lovely views and photography. I will have to get my camera out and "dust it off too".


My country is flatter but there are some interesting views.


Your details give me some added incentive to get out there. Thank you




Re: My self care motorcycle and photography and boating adventure

Out on the bike for the first time in 3 weeks this afternoon. Only a commute but it was a long commute and the weather was perfect for it.

I had planned a 100+km detour home via the hills but had a job come up so had to come hone via the direct route.  The trip has inspired me to get out and about more.  A lively upgrade from the pedal power I have been on recently 😃