
Re: im back..... i think

@Owlunar i know this is a very difficult time for you right now. i wish there was more that i could do.

your constantly in my thoughts. ive been reading your thread but i seem to have been shoved into another corner in my life yet again which has casued me to retreat into my shell and not stick my neck out atm too.

but know that you have my support and even if i dont comment i am reading along to your thread


hi @Shaz51 i hope your doing ok. im not doing so wel atm

Re: im back..... i think

I am sorry you not doing too well my sister @outlander xx

found out yesterday I have a Hiatus Hernia

Re: im back..... i think

I know you are thinking of me too @outlander


You are a very kind and sensitive person - and know things have gone a little sour for you


So take your time and hide for a bit while you grow a thicker skin and remind your mother that too much responsibility made you really ill - and that upset tum - was it yesterday - tells me that it was far too much to have everyone relying upon you


It's really hard - I know this


I will be okay - I am not to bad tonight but I will be going to bed soon - I may have a few down spells but that's okay - I know it passes as horrible as it is



Re: im back..... i think

omg @Shaz51 im sorry to hear that! can that be treated?

ive had a right few bas**rd of days- ill leave that for the 'when is it time for hospital thread' though

Re: im back..... i think

ok my sister @outlander HeartHeart

Re: im back..... i think

@Owlunar HeartHeart

i need to hide but at the same time i feel i cant do that either as i then feel like im running away from everythign i unfortuantley i cant.

oh yes that stomach thing- i found out it isnt gastro at all. my body has found two new ways to scare the shite out of me.

the first one is the gastro type thing where i get diarrohea and super super bad stomach cramps and constant gagging and throwing up. this happens when i get too stressed or triggered which is anything and everything atm which ive found out three time now. gastro is constant for 24/48hours not jsut everytime im triggered. so thats the first one


the second one is also scary. my temperature (body temp suppsoe to be around 36.6)- mine now drops to 35.5 and i start shaking uncontrollably yet i feel hot and sweaty!


so these are now just adding to everything else

Re: im back..... i think

Oh @Owlunar im an idiot
Please dont read the hospital thread what ive written is too heavy for you

Re: im back..... i think

Wow @outlander


As horrible as all that is - you have the perfect excuse not to look after your little sisters - you can't do that if you are throwing up and running back and forth to the loo - it's just not on


I get hot and sweaty when my back pain is bad - I know how that is - and I can get stomach cramps and sort of shiver - I think I know what that feels like for you - it's really unpleasant


Thanks for warning me about the hospital post - I can avoid that but it's okay - nothing you have written has given me a hard time - 


I haven't asked for help from the moderators before but today I did and maybe that's why I feel better this evening anyway. I was told to stick to the easier threads and not the hard ones which is much better - and also told that other people do this - or stay away from the forum.


I will be going to bed soon - but does your doctor know you have this gastro thing - maybe some medication from the pharmacy can help with that - it sounds really distressing



Re: im back..... i think

I know @Owlunar it truley is horrible to be this way
Yes please stsy away from that thread until your able to.
I know you say nothing ive said has set u off but bein vulnerable yourself atm please wait.
And yes the mods are right. Alot if people including myself will stick to the lighter easier threads. Take their advice they know ❤❤

No my gp doesnt know about it yet. She cant help me. I have to put in the hard yards. Ive still gotta go up on meds again. I never thought id be reliant on meds but i think its tge only things saving me from myself atm

Hows that big toe of yours going? I don't remember reading any recent news unless ivr missed it. And your back as well.

Re: im back..... i think

Maybe i should tell my gp though as its actually causing my internal body temp to drop past the notmal body temp range. It actually shouldnt drop padt 35.9 so to go to 35.5 i think is unusual.... maybe dangerous