
Re: Loneliness

Dear @EternalFlower 


I realised when I was reading me post, I also do things to mask loneliness. 


I think I spend money on things like I bought my new sewing machine last week. 

However, I didn’t have to sew for a week while waiting for my sewing machine to get fixed. I’ve got plenty of things to do. 


However,I love, love love my new sewing machine and next week, I can get my sewing machine fixed. 


My loneliness is from my adult sons not wanting to be part of my life. 


But it’s no competition or anything. 

this thread makes me feel that loneliness is such a big topic. 


@cloudcore @EternalFlower @Former-Member @tyme @Lite @Lila3 

Re: Loneliness

hi @PeppyPatti i like shopping online as well, i can relate to that. it is soothing sometimes to feel like i've scored a bargain. Wether i save any money is questionable.

i understand loneliness, i like my own company and have friends but i don't have family. i'm really well cared for by a community around me, neighbours, people i go to classes with, and friends. I have made a lot of new friends since i moved house. I feel a bit lonely because i dont have a partner, and i'd like to get married at some point, or have a family of my own.

Re: Loneliness

3502.jpegDear @EternalFlower 


Yes, I know that feeling. I’m in a relationship where it’s very very good but little things spark me and I get this —


I am alone

which BS but cause my parents are/were/am narcissists I  suppose that my go to feeling is feeling lonely.



What classes are you doing? 

Im not alone but how I grew up, I was lonely. 


My therapist, well I’ve seen her for years and years……where I live, Perth, Western  Australia its a small community in parts of the Psychology world and She’s actually met my parents and told me that they are worse that I’ve described.


Thats. Nice.

But I like being alone. I like hanging out with my ex husband but not too long…..just enough. 

I like just staying at home and that causes many disruptions in past friendships. 


Are you friends with your neighbours? I have one friend who is a neighbour. She is an older lady and is very involved with her adult children. 


My partner and I flew over to Hobart to meet up with his past friends. I met a large group of lonely males in the late 30s to early 40s. I was surprised that they were all so alone and single.  Decent people, good jobs and kind.


How does one meet someone these days ??






Re: Loneliness

Hugs to you @Shaz51 …..


Hope that you have a lovely night. Im about not drink a hot chocolate…home made…..



Re: Loneliness

T B H..   to be honest.  Thanks @tyme  And    @Lite  for asking the question.   Well @Lite. I read your letters and should join the procession,  expressing words of empathy too.  Unfortunately the inside

of my head looks like a third world electronics waste recycling tip, so I more often than not, forget to defrost my 'sorry sausage's' before bringing them to the,. . . . welcome new and lonely persons picnic..


There are just so many Lonely people wandering the dark. They find there way to mountain retreats like this one. Some are obvious.  some, not so.   The long,  manifestation fingers of loneliness, wander the 

dark nights  looking for minds without fortresses and lay siege,   and feast from within,  all the way to our skin . .. 

 But I feed on those loneliness ghosts. Actively hunt them.    I never had family,  or friends, till the twilight years of my life. The gardens I grew inside me all those 

years  I was alone, flourished way beyond anything I can grow now.  


Time spent in loneliness, can be the most productive of our lives if only we can dive through the rough

sea's and swim way down to explore the reefs of imagination below.  The finest art, saddest most

beautiful songs, and prophetic words, where not spawned in the place of false friend office parties

or resentful Christmases at  Julius Caesars,  hidden dagger,  family gatherings.  They come from the 

solitary cellars we all do hard time in now and then, . . . or always. 


How we deal with loneliness is ultimately up to us.   I use it,  to eat itself,  and the leftovers are in

my art and buskers hat.        I wish you peace  @Lite , and welcome. Hello @Lila3 .


@tyme  @cloudcore ...   @PeppyPatti . I love the thought behind your picture selection and the pics..  @EternalFlower ..   sorry pink@Former-Member and @Glisten@SmilingGecko n @greenpea 

I'm meant to be working will have a good catch up next week.     @Oaktree, hope the storm passes soon.  Listen to the shells its left on your shore.  One may just have the answers sought.

@ENKELI   @Emelia8  @Shaz51   @Doldip15   @Jynx  @TAB  @StuF  @Tilz 

@Meowmy hope you found peace in church today.  @Appleblossom  and @Historylover  and all

the other beautiful folk out there.


I better straighten my Tux n tie, and get back to the other people.  I'll have to . . . Not.. TBH  @tyme 

and pretend I'm normal or I'll be out of a job. . .  lol.                       kind thoughts       tonys Mb1


Be a few days before I can get back..   over n out.







Re: Loneliness

G'day @tonys  👍😎

Re: Loneliness

@tonys  truth teller, poet laureate, my bestie Huckleberry.

Human connection is an amazing thing.


I have never lacked the ability to find people that inspire and teach me.

If someone is my friend, you can be sure they are better than me, at something.


@tyme @tonys @EternalFlower @cloudcore @PeppyPatti @Former-Member @Lite @ENKELI 

Nothing is permanent. Change is constant. The only thing I can control is what I do.



Not applicable

Re: Loneliness

Always love the insights you and @tonys  bring, @Glisten 🙂🌺

the winds blow through the long, aged branches of the willows that are memories in my mind, loosening their leaves to flutter to new places, and gently rippling the rivers long stilled by loss 💜🙂🌺

Re: Loneliness

Dear @tonys 


Again your writing ! 

Writing exactly how I feel. Wonderful stuff !! 



You write this - 


"How we deal with loneliness is ultimately up to us." 


Yes, it is true. Is this why my youngest son won't talk to me ? He doesn't think anyone understands his brain tumour and this emotion maybe triggers emotional deregulation and therefore he is lonely and angry at me ? 


Or am I thinking too much ? 


@tyme @Lite 


  @@Former-Member@ @Glisten @Lila3 


@cloudcore  @Glisten  @Former-Member @tyme  @  @greenpea @SmilingGecko 


@StuF      @Shaz51           @TAB @Jynx @Meowmy @Appleblossom 

     @Historylover @Doldip15 


Re: Loneliness

Hey @EternalFlower ,


No stress at all. Text communication can be tricky sometimes. 


It's all good. However, if there's anything in relation to the post you feel you need some support with, you are welcome to email us 🙂