
Re: Loneliness








Re: Living with Loneliness

i love the pictures you put up too  @PeppyPatti 

Re: Living with Loneliness

@outlander Hi

I just go online and choose photographs that are posted online I think are nice. 


Thank you.


Im feeling a little lost tonight……..your post makes me feel nicer. IMG_2032.png

Re: Living with Loneliness

thats what i do too @PeppiPatty
the internet has lots of unique pictures.

im hearing you on the lost feeling. im feeling much the same too

Re: Loneliness

Hello @tyme 

your hurt and pain at being dumped by email bought back memories of not only a friend, but a long term work colleague, who dumped me by blocking me on everything. I didn’t even rate an email! I made an Ad for our mutual Union that didn’t support this persons politics, so when Ad appeared on TV unexpectedly, I was cut absolutely! I haven’t had any contact with her since! A mutual colleague invited us both for dinner! I attended and she didn’t! Gave up after that! Decided she could keep her brand of lonely to herself 

Very exclusive! 
hope she’s happy with the life rules she’s set herself 

I decided I didn’t need anyone so limited they couldn’t have a discussion re matter, in my life and let it go! It’s sad but I don’t miss her now at all and I think when people try to impose their opinions on all around, they have no care for these people, only for themselves! Yes I was sorry to lose contact as we had so much in common but it wasn’t my choice one way or another! I could have raged at unfairness of her dismissal but why even acknowledge hurt when another just abandons you! I think of her and her loneliness every now and then but I have no intention of seeking her out ever again! 
some pain is best left behind! 
she’ll never know what that Ad cost me either! Take away communication and you take away shared experience and shared emotions, to the loss of all! Judge others and you’ve kind of lost yourself and your right to a listening ear too! I am still disappointed that this is the path she chose but I’m happy to live with her decision as one less relationship I have to try and nurture when I have to work so hard at any! Wish I could be of more comfort but really- be glad they’re gone if that’s the best care they can rustle up! Cruel at best! 




Re: Loneliness

Very uplifting @Doldip15 . I'm so pleased to read how you managed to navigate a tricky space. 


You're so right.


I want to be able to do more of this 🙂


I really appreciate you sharing. I recognise it may not have been easy at that time, but the way you navigated it is something we can all learn from.



Re: Living with Loneliness

Hello @PeppiPatty 

I just read your post re talking to therapist on Skype! My Psych does this too! Quite inhibiting I find at times and also understand the impulse to hang up! 
I think what is really important in therapy is to be listened to, not have your emotions explained by someone who has not experienced the cause of your emotions! I may be wrong but I know from personal experience that explanations are often outside the reality of the experience and only offer something you want to immediately deny because it doesn’t relate to emotion or experience! It feels more like rejection of who you are, especially if you’ve been trying to express some of the pain of that earlier experience! 
I was talking about the frustration of my deteriorating body and collecting more medical diagnoses than I could handle and she suggested I might consider a “Voluntary end of life package” which I found quite disconcerting, especially given she didn’t know what drugs they use in these packages or some of the horrendous side effects! It simply felt like total rejection of what I was saying! I felt rejected and told to go away specifically! 
I don’t think trying to relate to how the others might have felt, helps us in retrospect deal with the pain!

what helps is having someone listen to the pain! Then we can move on in our own mind to what we want to do about it! And probably never would that be “I need to understand how they were feeling”. More like “Yes that was painful and hurtful, but what can I do now as an adult to protect myself from this pain again”? 
speaking from experience though- it’s a constant work in progress and when you’re stuck in pain you just want someone to hear!!! And if you can’t rely on your therapist to hear, then who do you turn to?

sometimes it’s good to cry for the child within who wasn’t cared for and have a plan to provide some nurture to that upset child within so you can then move on again! Sometimes it’s simply a hot cup of tea and a chocolate for me! Things I’d not see in childhood! Other times a walk in the park! When I could walk properly, I’d even walk in the rain as it would suit my mood!

my dog had a coat for the rain and loved it too! Not so current dog! Dachshund who hates getting his paws wet!! Only idiots walk in rain in his opinion! 
But important thing I feel is that you find someone to hear and something that says to you, I hurt and I need comfort so this what I will do for this now! It’s good to feel heard and good to feel comforted!

hope someone is listening when you talk! 
Re: Good Morning! 

Re: Living with Loneliness

Hello again @PeppiPatty 

i forgot entirely to mention the weather which is increasingly cold, has been raining with miserable cold drizzling rain but looks like the sun might shine through this morning some time and dry this world a little! 
I might go home today so it will be good if it’s fine and I can enjoy some good weather! It will mean my daughter is stuck with my little dog for today as she is putting her car in for service today so won’t be able to bring him back if I’m sent home this morning but that will give me some space too! I can walk in and out without him trying to escape and go off on little adventures of his own. He seems to think I’m irrelevant now when it comes to authority- an indication of my loss of stature, ability to speak and hold up in front of people! 
but nice to see weather fining up to sunshine!

Re: Living with Loneliness 

Re: Living with Loneliness

thanks @PeppyPatti for your beautiful natural images - love that you're sharing them

my friend and i knew eachother since high school - 

it was sad because i really ddint see it coming - i felt it in my gut - that she was acting different, but i made excuses, and said she must have something going on.

i assumed she'd come around when she was ready


i dont know whats left really - if someone can do that there's not much i can say

Re: Living with Loneliness

Hugs @EternalFlower @Doldip15 ,


Hope you are feeling a little less lonely in this chat.