
Re: rough time

i tried to block the post but becasue basically the entire family is involved its really hard to ignore everyone @Former-Member 

Re: rough time

@Former-Member Hi -Enigma-

Re: rough time

@outlander Have you ever asked your mum why you are left out of these events? Put her on the spot.

Not applicable

Re: rough time

Yes, it would be @outlander. Life certainly is not fair, I know what such hurts are like. Hi @greenpea 😄

Re: rough time

@greenpeai already know why. it all changed once i was diagnosed with a mh issue. i even broke down in front of her at one point and she said stop attention seeking. 

Re: rough time

thank you for understanding @Former-Member that means alot to me

Re: rough time

@outlander and you are not in a position to move out are you? you are stuck arent you?

Re: rough time

they have moved out @greenpea..... its just me and pop at home now

Re: rough time

@Former-Member@Sans911this is my new thread. 

Re: rough time

@outlander I should know all of this I know but what does pop think about this. I suppose he is dealing with his own health issues that he has and he is an old man so ...  outlander once pop passes the house will be sold yes? Is there anyone that you could share with once that happens?