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Re: rough time

That is a beautiful song honey, thank you for sharing it with me. We need to be mindful of what @Former-Member  said about this thread. I have struggled the past couple of days with how to navigate this, but I know that I don't want to jeopardise the chance to support you in anyway I can and because my mind loves worst case scenarios, I fear being removed from the fourms then losing your friendship and your friendship  means the world to me. I feel like I am kinda braking a promise to you but I would rather follow the guidelines and have it alter our chats then loss you all together. So I will be stepping away from this thread and I will chat on the one you made earlier today. It's important to me that you know I am here, I am not going to disappear we just need to play by the rules. 


My love I hope you know by now how important you are to me and how much I love and care about you. We just need to support each other in a manner that is healthy and safe not only for us but the other forum members too. @Lee82 

Re: rough time

How are you going with all of this ?
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Re: rough time

@MDT , I only realise a couple of days ago what I had done. I hadn't realised that I had basically overtaken @outlander  thread. That is/was incredibly selfish and down right rude of me. But as you seen from my last post I am stepping away, not that it erasers what I have done. 

@outlander , I have been trying to word an apology to you for a couple of days and have come up short every time. I hope you will except my most sincere apologies for doing this and hope that I have not caused you any distress as that is the very last thing I would ever want to do my friend. I say "my friend" but my actions haven't really been that of a friend so I am so sorry. I really hope you are ok and doing the best you can. Sorry again. 

Re: rough time

We all share threads here so I don't 'own' any threads. your most welcome to talk wherever you feel most comfortable and if this is where you feel safe and comfortable then that's ok with me. Whats important is that theres a safe place for every member to talk and to connect with those we feel most comfortable with or to feel ok to tag other members to join into wherever we're chatting to connect with more.
I dont feel the need to accept your apology as you've nothing to apologise for.
I have been quiet myself because this month is full of anniversaries and things for me plus being quite unwell physically the past week so I haven't had the capactity to support to many on a level I normally would or be able to keep up with things fast paced (not just the 'tough' threads but also all the social threads as well). ive also had to be careful of all threads (again not just the tougher ones) due to triggers which most will pop up unintentionally since I do have some unusual ones.
please dont stop posting, you can post here or wherever youd like, that is what here is about-to connect, share, and support each other through the good and bad times. please dont feel discouraged about talking here Heart

Re: rough time

also im not receiving notifications even when im tagged here for some reason. 🤨
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Re: rough time

@outlander , thank you very much for your kind words, which I don't think I I deserve. 

I am so sorry you are struggling right now, when you are up for it, I would love to chat with you again about anything be it what you are dealing with or just random chatting. 💖 Say safe 

Re: rough time

Its ok @Former-Member and i hope @Lee82 feels ok to post here as well. I havent looked around to much for the same reasons as above but noticed there hasnt been any posting on here today so hoping shes ok too.
I read back abit where Nashy has posted, im hoping that wasnt to discouraging either. I believe that come from good intentions as well. Some members (new and old) sometimes dont join in with the long term threads as much (unless they are tagged) so by creating a new thread it attracts other members to join in and support one another as well
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Re: rough time

I am not going to lie @outlander , I am quite worry about @Lee82  tonight after reading another post from her. I just hope she is safe. Well I think the new meds are kicking in so I am off to bed. Thank you again for your kindness @outlander 

I hope you can get some rest @outlander  and @Lee82 

Re: rough time

I'm sorry @outlander if I have been a little insensitive towards you. It was not my intention. I didn't mean to take over the thread and maybe make you feel like you couldn't post here again. I feel absolutely horrible. I hope you can forgive me. I know you are dealing with a lot right now and I'm so very sorry for everything you are going through. My warmest thoughts go out to you. I'm so sorry again for everything. Lee

also I will be thinking of you on Monday when you get your results. I hope they give you some peace of mind and that you are feeling better real soon. 

Re: rough time

Goodnight @Former-Member 💌