
Re: When things get tough here on the Forums

Sometimes @Appleblossom little bursts of crying is your journey of healing yourself 

Re: When things get tough here on the Forums

Lovely story @PeppiPatty

Good that your hubby is clear about being legal. 

I cant believe it but tonight went fine.  At the deli I was having difficulty connecting the words and the voice.  When my driver conductor picked me up I toldhim I was delicato ...and we chatted companionably into choir ... we did a gospel song ... and I flipped into an ... extrovert ... diva ... I lost all my fear and fragility .. the benzo probably helped ... I had a great night .. laughed and sang well and didnt tear up once.

When I started singing at St Francis choir 7 years ago .. I spent a lot of time on that teary edge ... I guess it really helps when you have a friends to tell and little help from medication.

I tried to do it too hard with too low meds for too long  ... cos I had been an evil drug addict 34 years ago ..

Anyway thanks to everybody at Sane forums.  I 've had to put my stuff out there to be able to let it go. Yes it wasnt just my brother and sister who was vulnerable I was too.

Apple Heart

Re: When things get tough here on the Forums

Dear Apple

My friend.... your amazing.

How did you do it? 

You could have done a few things and you really took the difficult road. 

I'm the person that always took the easy road of drama and I think Im stopping too. You may keep on thinking it's the medication but I think it's got to be both of our state of minds........

Re: When things get tough here on the Forums

Hi @CannonSalt, I completely agree that there is a great deal of thereapeutic power to disclosure of the specifics.  But when it's done in print, with people reading it in privacy, we can't know the effect that those words have.  For some it might be incredibly validating and helpful.  For others it could have the opposite effect.  We need to balance the needs of individual posters with the well-being of the whole community.  It's not easy to do and I get that it's frustrating when you want and need to express yourself. 

Have you been able to discuss self-harm with a Psychologist or other treating professional?  Having come out of private practise, it's been a real eye-opener to realise how much isn't being said in counselling sessions.  It makes me look back and wonder what I missed over those years.

@Appleblossom, I hope you have a better day today 🙂

Re: When things get tough here on the Forums

About crying... There is an old Jewish Proverb that I love ...

"Tears are to the soul what soap is to the body"

Re: When things get tough here on the Forums

@MoonGal that's such a wonderful Proverb! Sometimes a good cry is the best medicine. Although it's so hard, I always try to put out the welcome mat for tears when they come knocking.


Re: When things get tough here on the Forums

@Appleblossum, The only 'evil' in drug addiction is the drug itself. Not us, we might have done things we now regret, or deep remorse, or paid for. Yet, I know in my addiction days - all I ever was was a very lost, hurt, broken woman looking for relief in all the wrong places. Not evil, just broken. ❤️

Re: When things get tough here on the Forums


Thanks @MoonGal I know that what you say is true ... I knew it then ... I was nt involved in a manner that was exploitative ... probably me being childish and ... complaining about how difficult it is to discuss any of the issues that have been central to my existence

I wrote a research paper on Sylvia Plath in the year of all the copy cat suicides ... as both a distraction and seeking of understanding.  It was a comfort during that year of storms after my sister died. Its just one of the many things floating around inside me.

I understand and accept the forum guidelines about the post.  Especially @Former-Member mention of the probable fact that distraight people reading alone without support can be easily trigered and we have no way of knowing or helping them if they dont make themselves known.

I think what is coming out is the need for some structured group work on the matter.. the one to one counselling generally available does not seem up to dealing with this difficult topic adequately. It is often so difficult to bring up ourselves ... somewhat like DBT ... but with specific focus on these behaviours and thoughts.

Anyway that is what I am hearing loud and clear on this forum. 


Re: When things get tough here on the Forums

@Former-Member I love what you write.......

why did you quit private practice ? After reading.....Joseph Yalom " The Shopenhour Cure," I fell out of one on one therapy......even though the book is about a therapist.....quite...'safe' and  arrogent at the beginning of the novel.....

I was talking to a young teenager and she told me after seeing her around the streets of where I live....she self harmed and I asked her just to tell her GP.....just to have it recorded.......

Was this what you say?? 


@MoonGal I read out what you wrote re' Jewish proberb to my husband. We are both.....impressed. Me more so. He's forgotten it but I like the feel of the words.

Re: When things get tough here on the Forums

@Appleblossom - what you say is so true, and what @Former-Member said about in her days of practice that it was an eye opener to her that maybe people weren't saying lots of stuff. 

Bottom line, I learned through this discussion that we are monitored and that monitoring means we need to also hold unto ourselves yet more stuff that might have been helpful to ourselves and others.

I never told it all, ever, that gives way too much power away. Not that I had any, that was an illusion. Maybe what has been hit up on here is someone felt safe and strong to start to discuss a really difficult topic and others resonated and joined in openly - then the matter was moderated, as careful as that moderation was, and that has been a moment of 'reality checking' about the trust we might have built up with each other to have this dicussion is then sidelined (and I agree that the 'methods' change was a perfectly accepatable request) that there are others who may be vulnerable.

MAYBE - the forums could have PRIVATE discussion spaces - where people can join - or be added to a conversation - and LEAVE a conversation to not be re-added. The few people who were disclosing were obviously comfortable with the discussion...

I get other people 'might' be triggered and might in their own lives not know what to do with that, or might self-harm as a result of reading something, but what I saw in that discussion that ended up being moderated to non -existence (even though i acknowledge that was not the intent) that discussion of any really useful ways we might go about effectively dealing with impulses to Self Harm were shut down along with the discussion on the ways we might self harm. Because we then all started discussing (mea culpa) the moderation.

I would say this - if you are reading this and have self harmed, are in danger of self harming, have never talked to someone else about self harming, or have and were silenced because of either their discomfort or because it was way beyond anything they knew to handle- there ARE other people who used to self-harm who stopped and there are concrete steps you can take towards that. Keep looking for the ways out of it, that create new and better ways of relating to yourself. because you are worth it.

Every one of us is worth love, deserve love and are lovable.

I see now, for me, in hind-sight (so often it's 20/20 vision hindsight) that my self harm was mini-suicide, it is the strongest form of self-hate and self-degredation. I reckon in my case bought on by my inability to have stopped the actual abuse that was perptrated on me, by multiple people (in mutiple forms). In the end - I could not have stopped it - I was a child, then a groomed teeneager, then a messy adult. That anyone hurt me at all is at their feet, their responsibility, not mine. My gnarly-critic (who is actually just an armoured up child with an attitude) was the one who harmed me - only a LITLLE part of myself given way too much decision power and once that was realised she was contained with love.

The best response to a a life tied in knots by others harm is to live the best life we can at any given moment.

I wish you all, moderators included... Love & Resilience