
Re: 🎨 .... ART. CLASS ..., πŸ–Ό

Hi @outlander ... 😏🎨 πŸ‘‹

Re: 🎨 .... ART. CLASS ..., πŸ–Ό

Re: 🎨 .... ART. CLASS ..., πŸ–Ό

thP1GMIQFO.jpgth296SKDBN.jpgI love this @Faith-and-Hope

i hadnt seen your stepping stones artwork or either of your trees paintings. wow!!!!!!!!!

Re: 🎨 .... ART. CLASS ..., πŸ–Ό

do you mind if i give the stepping stones a go. i cant paint but i was thinking in pencil

Re: 🎨 .... ART. CLASS ..., πŸ–Ό

It's open to evwryone @outlander .... go for it. Baby steps to get through is for everyone, and stepping stones can remind us of that.


Re: 🎨 .... ART. CLASS ..., πŸ–Ό

thanks @Faith-and-Hope Heart

Re: 🎨 .... ART. CLASS ..., πŸ–Ό


Good morning me 'arties .....

@Smc @outlander @Shaz51 @Appleblossom @Former-Member @Former-Member @Determined @Former-Member @lovemyboys  .... anyone else who is around .....

Re: 🎨 .... ART. CLASS ..., πŸ–Ό

Goodmorning @Faith-and-Hope well its arvo here for me. Waiting for pic
Very clever of u btw

Re: 🎨 .... ART. CLASS ..., πŸ–Ό

Hi @Faith-and-Hope and everyone else here as well.

Thanks for tagging me on this thread.  What good timing - I just returned from my weekly art class!  I do a very casual art class once a week through my local U3A group.  I am a real newby, so its a big learning curve.  But lots of fun.

I just tried to upload one of my artistic efforts to put it here, its in a jpg format, but it wouldnt work.  Oh well.


Re: 🎨 .... ART. CLASS ..., πŸ–Ό

When that happens for me @Former-Member, I take a screen-shot of it on my iPad or phone, then email it to myself ..... save it like that ..... and then it will load via Sane forums .....

I hope that helps.