
Re: Adventures with D

Lol @outlander that long conversation and I hadn't realised we were on the carer's forum!

Re: Adventures with D

Lol yes @eth . I had 2 threads of the same thing one for each side but slowly just kinda added people to the carers side

Re: Adventures with D

Sorry about my memory @outlander.  Can you tag me again in the thread about our shared experience.  

Re: Adventures with D

The sa thread or the im back thread @eth?

Re: Adventures with D

Didn't want to mention it here sorry @outlander

Re: Adventures with D

no more horses in the family @outlander xx

but i loves them

Re: Adventures with D

i think ill write about my adventures today- tomorrow or later tonight. im buggerred

sorry guys

Re: Adventures with D

Hi everyone @eth@Shaz51@Queenie@Owlunar@Former-Member@Former-Member

id better catch you up on D(elicious) and Myselves adventures (sorry if theres any grammer mistakes-ive very very tired)

So yesterday to catch you up:
I got there about 9ish. She didnt want to come to her name so I had to go and catch her-right over the other side of the paddock which is between 2-30acres cant remember exact amount atm.
I called and called her and eventually she turned around with her ears pricked so I knew she was listening. She watched me get closer and closer until I nearly got to her then she decied she would take those few steps to actually come to me. So that took me half hour to do.
So I got her back to the feedyard type area and gave her a handful of hay and brushed and unrugged her. She also got a licorice which she LOVES!
We did a lot of bonding type exercises and a lunge to start up her fitness levels again.
By the end of the bonding sessions- I had her following me a round yard with no halter and lead, she would walk when I walked stopped when I stopped and backed up when I walked backwards.
So thats pretty good esp since iv only had her since friday but this is the first time id actually gotten to work with her. It was quite warm so I gave her a bath and treated her 'itch' type of thing she has, fed and rerugged her. She had a drink and then came back to where I was standing at the fence for just that one more pat then happily strode off back to her friends.

Re: Adventures with D

And today we didnt get to do much as it was already getting cold and gets dark very quickly.
I got there around 3 after weeding the paddock all day. She decided that I had to come to her on the other side of the paddock yet again but this time I said come on im not walking all the way out there im too tired, she knew I would so I continued trudging my way over to her but she started to walk to me and I turned my back and started walking slowly- one I hd no halter and lead to catch her and two I was in thongs. I kept walking and when I turned around she stopped and was watching me I said come on D and she began following again. I heard louder hoofbeats behind me and when I turned around she cantering to catch up to me. She stopped right next to me and walked calmy beside with without anything on. We got to the muddiest part of the paddock-being in thongs I tiptoed across it and D just walked through but she waited for me on the other side.
I gave her some hay and switched her rugs over to something warmer and in between that brushed and treated her itch.

So those are the two adventures from the past few days


Re: Adventures with D

Lovely @outlander sounds like you're already making real progress with her and she loves your attention and style.  Don't know about thongs around horses though!