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Re: Adventures with D

Wow @outlander that's amazing! Good on you! Also I love how horses have that black eyeliner look. D just has the most beautiful eyes!

Re: Adventures with D

Yeah it was pretty cool. You had to win teo chsmpion ribons in 2 different sections
Then go into another class with the champion winners compete against those then the top 3 battled it out for Supreme. There was me and two ladies 30+ and one lady i overheard was talking outside the ring to someone else saying how this horse cost her 10 000 and it had been to the royals and here i am on my 1500 horse and more time out in than i can remember and i beat her.
I havent competed since that day. Im hoping to get up and running maybe next year and start competing again

Ahh yes the eyeliner look. She has what we call the kind eye look which often means a kind nature within them
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Re: Adventures with D

Thanks for sharing the photos @outlander
What a gorgeous horse.
I hope your day went well.

Re: Adventures with D

Ill have some more later just have to edit and make sure before i do @Former-Member

Re: Adventures with D

Awww she's a sweetheart @outlander, she looks beauitful xoxo

Re: Adventures with D

Wow Supreme rider is a great achievement @outlander! I never won anything that grand before. A few firsts and places here and there and a couple of trophies. Well done to you!

Re: Adventures with D

Thanks @Shaz51

Thanks @Queenie pity the horse turned really nasty and had to be sold. He wanted the trail riding life so thats what hes doing now.
It really shocked me when i got that- esp since im sure i made a few mistakes-they mustve been too noticeable then hey

Re: Adventures with D


Re: Adventures with D


Re: Adventures with D
