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Re: Art

Hi @outlander

I used to feel the same way you do and I bear the scars to remind me. Can you find other artistic ways for your body? I've got piercings before, bought Hanna tattoo kits, ready ones and ones that I can use to draw on my body or I look for new options of tattoos. I think there are some nicer ways to create body art. Just a thought.

Thinking of you and take good care my friend.
Community Guide

Re: Art

Yeah i know but its a release of pressure for me @Former-Member it was happening last night too but i didnt give in. I literally roll around in agony until i can release it and this time it was alot of damage 😞

I use to draw with a sharpie on myself but it wasnt enough
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Re: Art

@outlander I understand.

Please seek help when you feel this way. I've been in private hospital for SH actions and SC thoughts, but I always found it so difficult to find someone willing to talk about the big NONO subject. I don't understand why nurses, practitioners and psychiatrists are shying away so much from it. We need help and THEY are the ones supposed to help us, right? I just keep talking until they answer. Please don't give up fighting.

And I am so so sorry to see the faded little "Help" in your profile picture, don't give up, there is Help out there!!!

Re: Art

m just going to move this convo to a more approapraite thread @Former-Member so we can keep this one open for artworks and peace 🙂

Re: Art

Thought I'd bring the art discussion back on topic with a pic of an artwork I did in my old studio when I lived in the country. I eventually sold it when I became homeless as it helped put down a bond for a rental unit. It is a portrait of a friend of mine.



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Re: Art

That's a great picture @Queenie, sorry you had to let it go. I will auction off my first set of paintings for a good cause, I have issues with them and hope they find a good new home.

Re: Art

thats a beautiful artwork @Queenie


ill upload one of my pics too @Queenie@Former-Member


@Former-Member i also tagged you in my other thread too

Re: Art


Re: Art

There's a lot of emotion expressed in that drawing @outlander. I won't post some of my darker stuff (mainly because it will probably get removed by mods).

Re: Art

Hi @Queenie,

Please feel free to post your artworks. The only reason they might be removed is if they are potentially rude or offensive 🙂