
Re: Everything music

Geeze mate @TAB What were you doing up 5 hours ago⁉️

I was out cold asleep by 8:30

Hope your sleep pattern improves.


Re: Everything music

I woke at 2.30am , slept mostly from 8.30 pm couldnt get back to sleep, got up 3.30am too cold in bed probs like zero deg, didnt think to put heater on, got up had cuppa then guy coming for car 9-9.30am so slept 0500-0700 redy for bed again lol @Glisten  car has been picked up.  guy said someone stabbed 50m from my place last night

Re: Everything music

😳 that’s not nice.

How was school? Must be almost finished?

Re: Everything music

Good morning @greenpea @Glisten @PeppyPatti  and all!

Re: Everything music

School ok thanks 😊 @Glisten  5 more trips

Re: Everything music

Nearing the final bend before the home straight @TAB !

Re: Everything music

Yes think 13 times ish already @StuF 

Re: Everything music


You done real good man

Re: Everything music

Ha thanks @StuF  back later re made bed having another nap.woke cos cold lol

Re: Everything music

Later @TAB