
Re: My Drawings- our garden

Oh ok @Faith-and-Hope so its drawing something in its basic form but being able to make out that object? Is that right?
So its like going back to basics and working up?

Re: My Drawings- our garden

Yes @outlander, that is correct.

Re: My Drawings- our garden

Ahhh ok now ive got it @Faith-and-Hope!
Thanks heaps ❤❤❤
Hows your art going? And that leg? And yourself in general. Your in my thoughts alot wondering how your holding up 💓💓

Re: My Drawings- our garden

I am doing okay @outlander, considering everything.  Thank you for asking.

I didn't get any painting done today .... just kept myself busy in other ways.  Hopefully back to it again tomorrow.

Re: My Drawings- our garden

Yes @Faith-and-Hope considering everything 💓💓
Make sure you look after you too ❤
And hopefully youll be able to do some painting tomorrow. Id like to start the stepping stones picture tomorrow too

Re: My Drawings- our garden

Hey @Faith-and-Hope
Im wonderinh how you have all your art stuff aet up or away
Particular boxes for different things....?

Re: My Drawings- our garden

I keep things in open shelves @outlander, and on small tables, and paper in a set of drawers. I like to see my art things ...... and they call out tonne that way ..... 😏

Re: My Drawings- our garden

Im trying to get something similar like that done for me too. Im extremely space limited though to pretty much a small box in my cupboard
Im.trying to make do but its really annoying me because i cant work out an arrangement. I brought those artliner pens today too. About 10 different colours so far. They didnt have grey black green or yellow so still aiming for those when i can find them.
Ive brought a few pencil cases and was going to put each sort of thing in sepate ones e.g water colours in one artliners in another drawing pencils eith rubbers etc in another and so forth. But i want them to stay in theit packaging cause it tells me the colours but i wany them in pencil Cases. Arrrgggh i cant make up my mind and its frustrating me. I want a whole room for my art stuff but im stuck with a box in a cupboard

Re: My Drawings- our garden

@outlander, instead of pencil cases, in Reject Shop, K-Mart, Big W, Target, places like that, you should be able to find those iPad covers that look like a pencil case and zip up. That way you can put the box of, say, water colour pencils, into the iPad cover like a pencil case. Something like the Artline pens can go into a regular pencil case, a drawing set of lead pencils, sharpener, eraser, can go into another one.

Another idea is to put them into small vases or cups on a dresser, desk, or window sill.

Re: My Drawings- our garden

oh id never thought of that @Faith-and-Hope

well ive got a pack of sketch with the range of different pencils like 7 of them such as 2b 4b and all the rest of them whatever they are. water colour pencils, charcoal, pastels and also normal type ones. i find the faber castel to be one of the best ones and they sell packs of like 50 or something and it tells you on the back what colour is what- but do you know whats silly, they number the pencils according to their shading etc but they dont have them in thei order in the box. the back one was number one and it was halfway through the pack so its abit jumbled and i dont really know what colour im using to begin with lol


i cnat put them in vases casue i havent got any room for them. its really annoying and frustrating and it sucks. my drawing area is the kitchen table which everyone uses most of the time and when finsh it takes forever to pack it up.