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22-07-2017 11:32 AM
22-07-2017 11:32 AM
@CheerBear for the life of me i cant think of that quote you gave me about being brave!
do you mind sharing it here for others too- i think its well worth a share!
22-07-2017 11:35 AM
22-07-2017 11:35 AM
anyone got some good inspirational/motivation quotes to share?
22-07-2017 12:18 PM
22-07-2017 12:18 PM
22-07-2017 12:19 PM
22-07-2017 12:19 PM
22-07-2017 12:20 PM
22-07-2017 12:20 PM
22-07-2017 01:22 PM
22-07-2017 01:22 PM
I think this is the one @outlander. I had to go ages back through my images to find it. I can't believe that this was pre-break place stay - that time feels like a whole lifetime ago now, but also strangely almost like yesterday. Time is odd sometimes.
I read @Faith-and-Hope 's suggestion to merge this thread with one of the other quote threads and think that might be worth considering seeing as there are already a few quote threads around. What do you think?
Hope your day is going well.
22-07-2017 01:26 PM
22-07-2017 01:26 PM
im still getting to notifcations but im thinking i will merge them @CheerBear i didnt realise there was another thread except inspirational quaote of the day.
and yep thats the one! thank you!
oh wow was this really from that long ago! it doesnt seem that long ago
22-07-2017 04:40 PM
22-07-2017 04:40 PM
22-07-2017 05:13 PM
22-07-2017 05:13 PM
Even in the darkest times in life there is still always some good that can make us smile
22-07-2017 05:16 PM
22-07-2017 05:16 PM
nice to see you here @Former-Member
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