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23-07-2017 01:15 AM
23-07-2017 01:15 AM
Goodnight @Former-Member .... 😴💕
@Mazarita @outlander ..... anybody else who's here .....
23-07-2017 01:54 PM
23-07-2017 01:54 PM
23-07-2017 05:59 PM
23-07-2017 05:59 PM
hi @Former-Member
thats ok it happens to the best of us.
oh yum thank you- i love kitkats. i shouldnt be eating them as im on a diet lol but virtual ones dont count
ill send you a big box of bite sized dark chocolate that way you wont have too much
ive done some drawings on here, quite a few of them actually and dedicated a thread for them. i can tag you if you like and also id lvoe to see some of yours as well if you dont mind..
i hope you got some shut eye, i need some of that too. atm im abit too flustered to sleep
thank you for being my friend too
23-07-2017 11:22 PM
23-07-2017 11:22 PM
Good night Mazy @Mazarita, Claire
@outlander, @Shaz51
, @Faith-and-Hope
, @CheerBear
, @Former-Member
and everyone
Sleep well and peace be with you XxX
23-07-2017 11:56 PM
23-07-2017 11:56 PM
Goodnight @Former-Member ..... 😴💕.... and anyone else around .....
24-07-2017 07:09 AM
24-07-2017 07:09 AM
24-07-2017 11:07 AM
24-07-2017 11:07 AM
24-07-2017 06:56 PM
24-07-2017 06:56 PM
@Former-Member of course you cna post them as long as they werent entered into competeitions or have anything on them like your name that can identify you and does have things that would offend others like cuts or kni*es or anything like that
heres a few of mine @Former-Member hope you like them
24-07-2017 07:16 PM
24-07-2017 07:16 PM
24-07-2017 07:19 PM
24-07-2017 07:19 PM
yeah they were pretty good. i filled up a whole art book in the time i was in hospital. some of those drawings are from my recent hospital stay. i cant wait to see yours!!
im glad we are friends too @Former-Member
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