
Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

Thank you, my darling friend for caring about me!
I am going to bed soon, it's 12:32 AM
I just checked in to SF quickly to see if you messaged me. I had a nice dinner, that I cooked & put in the fridge for last nite, in case I did not feel like making myself anything.
It was a good idea, as enjoyed it, & it was healthy for me. I took full strength pain meds so the pain was not too bad. I watch a good movie, did some research, & found that link I posted in CT. I hope you like it too.
I will do my sketching some time today.
I hope you are sleeping, or even resting as today is going to be very cold, if the weather forecast is correct.
Talk/type today sometime?
Love U Heaps!
Bella XO 🙂

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

I was indeed in bed @Former-Member was a big day so thankfully i slept. Its 18 degrees here or will be by midday and the kids are riding their horses and before that will be at thr horse club for a short while for a meeting.

It sounds like a good productive day for you too with a plan for today as well. I hope your able to do a drawing as i know that is something that you like too

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

@Former-Member i remembered what i wanted to ask you but will wait till your online again

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!


I'm here now are you here, its 11:11 PM atm 🙂

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

Morning @Former-Member ❤

I logged off early because of my hand sorry. How are you going?

Also.. i didnt want you to feel embarrassed but you tagged me on another thread but it was meant for hamsolo01

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

Did I? woops!
What thread please, & I will go change it, now. I must have been half asleep, or thinking about you at the time! 🙂

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

It was hamsolo01s thread @Former-Member will be back later to talk more

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

Hey @Former-Member are you online now?

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

I'm here now, I had to go cook dinner. I will start the sketch after Dinner.
Did you need me for something important now? xo

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

Thats ok @Former-Member you dont have to worry about me

Just wondered how you were going?