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04-06-2018 11:32 PM
04-06-2018 11:32 PM
Not a problem @Sans911 ..... my brain is a bit awash right now too .....
Didnt see the image @Teej .....
I am so grateful that S2 will talk to me about what is going on with him. Talked to him about ticking boxes in a similar sense to jumping through hoops, and knowing that there are boxes that need to be ticked and hoops that need to be jumped through to get him where he is going, and to try not to overthink it ..... just get the box ticked and put it behind you ..... size up to the next one .....
Learning to skate = XYZ number of times falling on your butt, so not strapping on the skates is not going to achieve that ..... you’ve got to get out there and fall on your butt again and again before you skate well ..... so try to keep it as simple as that ..... the assignments are boxes to tick and yeah, he might end up on his butt, but he will survive it and get back up and go at it again.
That doesn’t mean he can get up and over the bar this time, but I just ticked a Mumma box by telling him all that ..... hope he can stop panicking at just get the boxes ticked.
Wonder how many more Mumma boxes I have to tick before these last two dragons can get their wings on and fly .....
04-06-2018 11:37 PM
04-06-2018 11:37 PM
Your first paragraph made me smile @Sans911 and I wanted to issue a challenge 😜 but seriously I took your point too. It’s just not so easy to accept sometimes.
I feel very much the same @Sans911 with intruding. The thing is I know we are both wrong for thinking that way but I guess it’s the way we feel.
To tell the truth I’ve been thinking a bit the same lately re how much fight I have. I am getting tired now but would like to catch up sometime soon for a chat. I think we have some things in common that is making it harder for us like housing, finances and living alone trying to start a new life from the one we knew.
Take care @Sans911. I hope you sleep tonight. 💜🤗
04-06-2018 11:42 PM
04-06-2018 11:42 PM
I went to boarding school @Sans911, which is not the same thing, but there was a struggle to keep other girls from borrowing things and never returning them, fighting for identity amongst bullies, only to marry into a family with adult bullies in it ..... and now that has come with a genetic predisposition to an mi that is in my kids as well ..... and this ed situation has now triggered three instead of the original one .....
This is my long-winded way of saying “I hear you” ..... and it’s a daily battle to get up and fight ..... but it helps me so much to know that you are getting up to the fight, all of you @Sans911 @CheerBear @Teej ..... and it gives me courage to keep doing the same.
04-06-2018 11:46 PM
04-06-2018 11:46 PM
04-06-2018 11:47 PM
04-06-2018 11:47 PM
I’m heading off to bed now @Faith-and-Hope, @Sans911. My brain is fried and am needing sleep I hope. Thanks for chatting. I hope you have a good night. 💜🤗
04-06-2018 11:55 PM
04-06-2018 11:55 PM
Goodnight @Teej @Sans911 ..... @CheerBear if you are heading off too. I hope you all sleep quickly and well.
04-06-2018 11:58 PM
04-06-2018 11:58 PM
Hi @CheerBear, a late night note for you to get in the morning. First of all, big hugs! I haven't the experience you are going through, but I feel for you having to go through it. I imagine I would feel highly anxious and weirded out to be going through that process. I hope you do end up with a break and I hope you feel at peace there, without unwanted interference in your capacity to make your own decisions. We all have a right to that, well in most cases I think it really should be a priority, so as to minimise feelings of disempowerment. Those are surely not a good thing for our mental health. But I trust your ability and strength to take care of yourself in anxious and weird situations. You are doing it, with courage, intelligence and wisdom. All strength to you.
Hi @Sans911, @Faith-and-Hope, I've read back a little in the thread and noticed you are up too. Do you mind if I join in your chat?
05-06-2018 12:02 AM
05-06-2018 12:02 AM
05-06-2018 12:02 AM
05-06-2018 12:07 AM
05-06-2018 12:07 AM
Thanks, @Sans911, @Faith-and-Hope.
Sans, it's true we haven't chatted for ages. It's not through design. I think mainly it's that in our chosen (or random) trajectories through the forum we haven't crossed paths so much. I'm glad to meet up in real time now.
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